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I sit beside Rhaegal as the sun begins to set, his head resting on the ground in front of me. I place small flowers on his snout and he blows them into the air with a breath from his nose. His head suddenly lifts and I turn to see Yara walking towards me.

"Your first night in the city and you choose to spend it not in the Brothels?" I ask.

"I've seen my share of brothels, I've never seen beasts like these." She says, taking in the size of the dragons laid out before me. "Is this one yours?" She bends down beside me, offering her hand out for Rhaegal to smell.

"Rhaegal." I tell her, she slowly nods.

"After your father, I assume." She slowly moves her hand across his scales. "Why is it that Daenerys takes the throne and not you? Your father was Aerys' heir, was he not?"

"I am the prince's bastard, I'm afraid. I have no claim, Dany's the only one left with one after Viserys died." She tilts her head and meets my eyes.

"And how did he come to perish?" I shrug slightly.

"Lets just say, he laid a hand on Dany and Khal Drogo wasn't exactly happy about that." Yara lets out a laugh and I grin at her. "We should head back, the sun has set far beyond the horizon now." Yara offers me her hand, I take it and rise to my feet.

"Allow me to walk you, princess."


I walk through the streets of Meereen with Kivi by my side, the people offer me smiles as I pass them while others bow before me.

"It seems these people adore you and Khaleesi." Kivi says as we stroll through the market bazaars. Two Unsullied travel a few steps behind, keeping a careful eye on those around us.

"Daenerys freed them from their lives of slavery, and I helped to keep the slavers away. They are grateful for us, I believe." I tell her, she remains silent for a moment.

"Then why will we leave? I know Westeros is where you were born and it is your true home, but have you not made home here? Among these people? There may be more cities that Khaleesi can free." I take in her words as the people of Meereen file through the streets around us. The spirits have lifted since the threat of chains boring on their wrists has been eradicated. They look to me with joy, rather than fear.

"Meereen will be left in capable hands, but the people of Westeros need us just as much as Meereen did." Kivi nods in silence as I attempt to convince even myself that leaving Meereen is the best chance we have.

"Father spoke every day of you when you were gone. He would tell the men he trained about you, and would continue to tell your stories to the best trained blood riders. The entire hoard has a respect for you like I have never seen." I look at her in surprise.

"The blood riders? Did he tell them I'm a woman?" Kivi laughs and links my arm in hers.

"Nyra, they speak of you like they spoke of Khal Drogo. Those men will spill blood for you with a fierce loyalty like no other." Her words spin in my mind.

"Their loyalty is to their Khaleesi, not me." She looks as if she will speak again, but quickly stops and nods in agreement.


I sit on the balcony of my room, watching the city's celebration of their Queen's final night as Kivi's words race through my mind. I take another sip of wine as music wafts in through the windows.

"Mind if I join you?" Yara says from behind me, I turn and grin at her.

"It seems you already have." I say as she sits down beside me and pours her own glass.

"I've never seen a city so enamored with their ruler." She takes a sip of her drink as she watches the people celebrate. "Usually there is fear."

"Daenerys is one of a kind." I take another swig of my own glass before looking over to see her eyes already on me.

"I've heard you've become skilled with a sword." I let my arm fall to rest on my crossed legs and smile at Yara.

"Why do you join me in my bed chamber tonight, Yara Greyjoy? Should you not be preparing your fleet for tomorrow's journey?" She leans forward, resting on her open legs as she takes a long drink from her glass.

"I have plenty of men to prepare my ships. I came here to see you, your highness." I gracefully stand and set my drink on the table, the silks of my dress flowing with my body as I step closer to her. She does not dare move her hands as I move to stand between her legs, but I can see the smirk slowly begin to creep onto her face. I take hold of her chin and study her eyes.

"And have you found what you were looking for, Captain?" Her hand finds the split in the side of my dress and the cold skin of her palm finds my thigh.

"I've found all I was looking for and more." I grin and move my hand to gently rest on her neck.

"I will pleasure you tonight, but do not think this will end in two Princesses of Dragonstone." Lust consumes her eyes as she quickly stands to grab my neck, lips only inches from mine as her body presses against my own.

"Duly noted, princess."

Shadow of the Dragon QueenWhere stories live. Discover now