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I stand beside Odanno in the dragon glass mines, Dany speaking with Tyrion about an attack on the Lannisters in the castle above us. I look around the cave in awe, the sun peaking in through the cave entrance bounces off the dragon glass buried within the walls.

"I've never seen anything like this. Dany and I, we didn't even know this was here." I tell Odanno, he nods in agreement.

"There is nothing like this in the great grass sea." He tells me, dragging his hand along the smooth wall. I take in his new garments, the black fabric of House Targaryen's entourage replacing his Dothraki garb. I smile at him as he turns back to me.

"How have your lessons been with Missandei?" We walk together farther into the caves.

"It is going very well, princess." He says in English with a grin as Jon comes into view.

"Rhaenyra, I'm glad you're here." Jon says, taking my hand and helping me step down the rocky caves. "Look what we've found." He directs my eye to drawings on the wall. "The First Men fighting against the White Walkers." I drag my fingers along the centuries old drawings and smile at him.

"They'll have to believe you now." I say, he meets my eyes with a smile. Footsteps come from behind us, I turn to see Greyworm.

"The Queen wishes to meet with you in the war room, we will leave for the Roseroad soon."


I sit atop my horse before the Dothraki army, Dark Sister attached at the hilt to my armor. Kivi sits beside me, she nods to me before I look out to the warriors before me, I begin to speak to them in Dothraki.

"Today we face the Lannister Army, the House that betrayed my family and stole our land! Today, we will kill the betrayers, make them feel the pain they once caused House Targaryen, that they once showed our Queen! We fight for her throne, this battle bringing us one step closer to victory! Fight well, die well, blood of my blood!" I shout, they throw their swords into the air and cheer. I turn around and snap the reins of my horse, riding up and over the hill.

Nyra, they speak of you like they spoke of Khal Drogo. Those men will spill blood for you with a fierce loyalty like no other.

The Lannister Army stands before us, the thundering sound of the Dothraki army turning their heads to us. Kivi let's out a strong battle cry beside me, I pull my sword from my hilt and hoist it into the air as Daenerys breaks through the clouds above, Drogon letting out a roar that shakes the ground below us. He soars forward and rips a hole through the Lannisters with a breath of fire. I ride through first, slicing the neck of a bannermen as I break through the the flames. I slide from my horse and begin to fight through the men in lion armor, bringing vicious ends to them.

Dark Sister cuts through man after man, none of them managing to lay even a scratch on me. Daenerys sets more of them ablaze from above, leaving nothing but ashes in her wake. I make my way further through them, the bannermen targeting the silver haired foe before them.

I turn to my right to see the man I've heard stories about, that Tyrion has described to me time and time again, that sends the rage of vengeance coursing through my veins. The man sitting atop a white stead dressed in commander's armor, bearing a golden hand on his sword arm. The blaze of Drogon sends him tumbling off his horse, he clambers to his feet and meets my eyes across the battlefield. The man who betrayed my House, who killed his King and sent two infant girls running from their home.

Without breaking eyes with him, I cut through his man and head towards him. He clumsily pulls his sword from the hilt with his left hand and I see him take a deep breath. I stop when I stand only a few feet away, no bannermen standing between us, as we take each other in.

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