Shoulders: Part Nine

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      Joel hadn't arrived before, during, or in the two hours since dinner. Luke paced anxiously. Courtney had tried to comfort him but had been forced to admit defeat and had gone to put the boys to bed. Luke paced and chewed his lip until he tasted blood. "Where on earth is he?" He asked aloud of no one in particular.

      "Probably still at home by himself." Courtney answered from the doorway. She padded into the kitchen barefooted and leaned into him wearily. "You know how he is even on a good day. He probably just got overwhelmed by the details and decided to stay home."

      "But he promised." Luke could hear the child-like desperation even in his own voice. "He said he'd be here."

      Courtney hugged him tightly but said nothing. What was there to say? Luke sighed and dropped his face into her silken hair. "I'm sorry."

      She looked up at him, eyebrows arched. "About what?"

      Luke fumbled for an answer but none came. "I...I dunno." He ruffled his curls and sighed. "I'm sure there's something though..."

      She cupped a hand to his face and pulled his gaze back down to hers. Her soft eyes studied his knowingly. "I know you're upset, but it's not your fault. None of this is. You can't blame yourself for whatever Joel is doing or isn't doing; you know that, right?"

      "He shouldn't be by himself. I should've made him come back with me."

      "You know he wouldn't stand for that."

      "But at least I'd know where he is." Luke sighed, anxiety wearing on his thin face. "How he is."

      Courtney shook her head and opened her mouth to reply, then froze. Luke's heart jolted in his chest as shock flashed across his wife's face. He grabbed her shoulders. "Honey? What's wrong?"

      She looked up at him and smiled. "Baby's coming."

      The air left his lungs. "No. Seriously."

      She nodded. "Call Ben to stay with the kids. And then let's go." She dropped a hand to her belly and whispered to herself, "Let's go..."

      The next several hours were the most harrowing Luke would ever remember. But after it was all over, the nurse laid Evie Joy in Courtney's arms. Luke bent to touch her tiny nose, her perfect lips, her delicate fingertips.

      Her hand curled around his finger and held fast. 

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