Before I knew it, which was also before the door shut, our mouths were on each other. My hands started to slip under his clothes while his hands started to pull at mine. A loud gasp of surprise escaped me when he tore open my button up shirt. Buttons flew off into different directions. I could hear them skittering everywhere. I tried to do the same but he was more experienced than me. He tore his open too.

My right hand traveled down from his chest, over his left nipple and down towards his belly button. Maverick stood very still as he allowed me to explore and feel. Maverick was my universe and there was a promise of an eternity to explore him. Maverick's mouth quivered a little as his eyes drank me in. I was on my back. We weren't quite on the couch, my current position was going to get uncomfortable eventually.

Once I got his belt free and tried to pull it through the loops, I moved myself into a more comfortable position. Maverick moved right along with me. "Normally, I'd wait a while longer but I just have to have you."

I was unable to reply because his mouth was on mine again. The moment his lips met mine, it was instant fireworks. But I also felt like I was imploding. The skin of his lips felt so airy and his body did not feel close enough. I reacted with vigor, want and need. He reacted too, I could feel that 7 and a half incher stiffening in his now loose pants. He was then starting to push himself away and I was instantly feeling the sting of rejection. I started to pull away by scooting in the opposite direction and was about to turn my head. However his hands held on tight, just beneath my shoulders.

"Slow down, slow down." His voice was in a whisper. "I don't wanna rush this. I wanna make you feel good. Don't rush. Don't rush."

Everything that he was, it was all right here within reach. I wanted it all. It felt as though our lives had become so intertwined.

"But we already did this before." I whined. "I need you Mav."

Maverick just stared at me. He'd done this plenty of times before but there was something in his eyes, a deep need emulated from within them. "I know." He said and I knew this was something I needed to listen to, so I didn't dare move. "I'm terrified of fucking this up. You don't understand, I've never gone this deep with anyone before."

I waited a bit before asking him, "Do you need to slow down?" Which I didn't want but I guess when you love someone, your needs come after theirs.

"No." He sounded so resolute. "I want to devour you twice, maybe even thrice a day. That might not scare you but for some reason, it does scare me."

"Are you afraid that I'll break? That I might find a reason to leave?"

"No and no." His eyes seemed to shift a little, as if they were searching mine for something. "Maybe I'm just scared of myself."

When I replied, I hoped I sounded endearing. I reached up to stroke the side of his face with my hand. He barely reacted to it. "Everyone has darkness. Everyone has flaws. I don't need you to change. Remember?"

Maverick's eyes turned hard for a moment. "Surely you've heard another rumor about me? About how I need both a guy and a girl to feel fully satisfied?"

I knew there was no sense in lying, and though it disgusted me to admit it, I nodded. "But who am I to judge?"

Maverick's eyes flashed again but I could tell it wasn't directed at me. I could see how fragile he was now. It was all in his eyes as he said the next few words. "That doesn't bother you?"

"I want all of you. I mean that." But I wasn't entirely sure how much I meant that. Would I love the idea of having someone else in our bed? Surely he would need a woman since I already had the guy part covered. No, I would not appreciate that. Suddenly I could see our future. I imagined that I would try and at least go along with this. Because I loved Maverick so deeply, how could I deny him such a simple pleasure? Would that make me a fool?

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