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THE CRISP ICE of the Mendenhall glacier crunched with a satisfying crack beneath the young sorcerer's thick heavy soled black boots. The painfully chilled air stung her cheeks, though it was to be expected at 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Her face felt numb to the air whipping past, as she pushed her body to continue. To move past her breaking point.

The special grade sorcerer had been tracking a particularly nasty curse from the peaks of mount fuji to the icy tundra of the Alaskan forest. If she had her choice, she would be laying on a tropical beach in Hawaii or in her warm bed in Tokyo. Yet, she never had a choice.

(L/n)'s never have a choice.

Bound by the fate of the house of (L/n)'s she would forever be at the beck and call of the Emperor and ruling elites.

While jujitsu society was not formally recognized by the government, it was informally controlled by the Emperor.  There were several notable clans, the Gojos and Zenins being the most influential. Although, there was one clan that held quite a unique reputation.

The house of (L/n), otherwise known as the dogs of the imperial family.

Insanely powerful and loyal, no order to far or to morally corrupt to fulfill.

She cursed her family time and time again, she would never have a choice.

Not while she was breathing at least.

Up ahead of the young women, the special grade curse struggled to climb the steep crevasses of the mountain. She sighed a breath of relief, her journey was finally nearing an end. She had tracked this curse over the course of two months. Always nearly missing each-other, but finally the search was coming to an end.

Pulling her katana from her back, her white snow suit blended in with the snow covered mountains. The strip of sharpened sliver and her (h/c) locks were the only thing separating her from the powdered white background. Her face and hands covered by a thin white breathable material, although useless against the weather it allowed her to be camouflaged to all those around her.

In an instant she was on the curse, summoning her energy to coat the blade. In one swift motion she beheaded the vengeful spirit. Her body went slack with relief, she praised the gods that may be for the ending of her mission. Although it was 2pm, it was still dark out. Winter in Alaska was strange and made her body feel all types of out-of-sorts. Finally she could go home.

There was another ability the (L/n)'s clan was known for, something that none were to eager to admit.

The jujitsu of the house of (L/n)'s was one of nullification. Any cursed energy attack against a member of the (l/n) household was obsolete, with a swipe of their finger they could cut through any jujitsu. It additionally provided them with an ability to remain undetected. Their nullification  cursed energy was undetectable, even to the eyes of the Gojo clan. While this may seem perfect for fighting vengeful spirits, it also made the (L/n) clan perfect at fighting other sorcerers. Enemies of the crown.

Not even cursed speech could affect members of the (L/n) clan, they were untouchable.

The imperial family treasured their belongings, and the (l/n) clan was no exception. They put their skills to good use, on curses and sorcerers alike.

This was in large part why (y/n) hated her family, because they made her a murder.

She was a second year at jujitsu technical school, only 19 years old. Yet she had killed over 20 people so far, innocents.

It was not her position to question her orders, yet she couldn't help but feel misled and used every time she came back to the estate. Her purpose was to better the world, make it safer place. Than why did she always feel like the one who makes it dangerous, why did she always feel like a sin-eater.


> (Y/n) prefers her first name

> she had to hunt wild life in order to survive while chasing the special grade curse in Alaska

> most clans hate the (l/n)'s because they are known to kill other sorcerers for the emperor

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