His tuffs of pink hair standing out against the greenery of the court yard.

As (y/n) went to reply, an obnoxious school girl-esk screech filled the air.

"(Y/n)-chan!!! Oh my gosh!! I've missed you, I've missed you, i've missed you!"

The six eye curse user bounded into the court yard taking the girl into a bear hug. The (l/n) member could only sigh, she definitely didn't have the energy for this. Her eyes flickered toward the pinked headed boy, her cheeks still red from their encounter.

Internally she wrote it off as a combination of the heat and the snowsuit mixture, yet she knew better. After all, he was stunning.

"Toru it's nice to see you, I've missed you to."

She turns into the Gojo clan member and returns to hug. It isn't often people give her physical affection, so she'll take it where she can get it.

Satoru Gojo was (y/n) oldest friend, rather he was her only friend. Well, excluding Megumi Fushiguro but that friendship was currently on the rocks.

"How was your mission? I want to hear all about it-"

Before he can continue the boy cuts in, "Gojo sensei who is this?"

As if a lightbulb goes off behind the mans eyes, Toru responds, "thats right you've never met (Y/n)-chan have you!"

Clearing his throat Gojo makes way for his young student.

"Yuji Itadori this is (Y/n) (L/n), second year and special grade sorcerer. She just got back for an overseas mission to America. She was in Alaska for almost two months!"

The pink haired boy was in shock, his jaw unhinged.

Stepping forward (y/n) slightly bows her head at the boy, her cheeks still slightly flushed. In some inexplicable way she felt drawn to him. Like some otherworldly force was pushing her towards him.

"It's nice to meet you Itadori-san, please just call me (Y/n). I prefer my first name."

The first year sorcerer was quick to follow suit and bow his head.

"Its nice to meet you (Y/n)-san! I'm a first year, i just joined a few weeks ago!"

The girl raised an eyebrow at this, it wasn't often a non-established sorcerer made it into this school. It might not be common knowledge but among sorcerers only elite members of ruling families attended this school.

Sensing her questions, Toru cut in.

"Itadori here is Sukuna's vessel, he swallowed one of the guy's fingers and now severs at his unintentional reincarnation."

(Y/n)'s mouth was agape. Shock flooding her system. After all, how stupid could someone be?

"...Did it at least taste good?"

The first year shook his head violently, "It tasted horrible! Worse than you could've ever imagined!"

A snort left her, a small smile spreading across her face. She undoubtedly enjoyed his presence but felt her body quickly heating up in the sun.

"As much as i would like to hear the rest if this story, i need to shower and sleep. I'll talk you both later. Bye Toru, bye Itadori-san!"

She turned and quickly made her way to her dorm. It was almost as if it was a blur, falling flat on her face the moment see reached her bed.

She didn't even remember peeling off her layers, only focused on how much she missed her pillows. She relished in its warmth and simplicity. It's blankets totally enveloping her entire being.

She felt relief, finally she would be able to sleep without those strange nightmares. Slipping into the darkness of deep slumber, (y/n) found that was anything but the case.


> (y/n) hates the cold but, enjoyed the solitude of the forest

> meeting itadori for the first time left (y/n) in a trance, although she couldn't help but feel like something was missing

> itadori also felt drawn towards (y/n)

> gojo has a picture of (y/n) and him as his wallpaper

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