When They Cry

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Sam: Sam has been having a really hard time recently. You worked a case with kids a while back and you thought he'd let it go but clearly he hasn't. You walk into your bedroom at the bunker after you go grocery shopping with Dean and he's sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands and he's sobbing.

"Baby what's wrong?" you ask, running to his side. You sit cross legged next to him, facing him. He turns his tear-tracked face to you and pulls you close. He rests his head in your lap and holds your hand tightly. You clutch him and run your free hand through his hair humming softly.

"If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine..." You continue through the song until he calms down.

"It was the kids," he hiccups gently, wiping his hands over his face. He holds them there, beneath his chin. "God, Y/n, they were only eight-"

"Stop." You take his hands in your own. "Don't beat yourself up. You know as well as I do that those kids were monsters. However old they were, they didn't have to kill." Sam doesn't acknowledge that you've helped him. He just takes you under the covers and holds your back close to him by holding your waist. You don't know if he'll ever be completely okay but by the way he squeezes your waist, you think you'll be okay.

Dean: Dean had a run-in with a crossroads demon who ran his mouth a little too much. He held onto you for hours afterwards. You let him hold you tightly as you lay together on his bed. He broke down and whimpered, "the demon told me I'd kill you. That I AM killing you. That you're only here because of Sam. Is that-" 

He doesn't even get to finish the sentence before your lips are on his. "No," you say fiercley. "No, that is not why I'm here. I am here because I love you. I am here because hunting is something I do and it's amazing that you do it too because it's something we can do together. I am here because you are here. Understand?" 

He nods and squeezes onto you. You sing "Hey Jude" to him until he falls asleep. 

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