homework (akito shinonome)

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akito shinonome

HOMEWORK, just hell.

akito shinonome, your most annoying but trusty friend

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akito shinonome, your most annoying but trusty friend. he is someone whom you can rely on whenever you met with problems, well except for math problems. you two were extremely bad at math and always had to go to toya for tutoring but that didn't help at all so you both gave up and accepted the fact that you both will never math in your life.

"BOO!" you smacked harshly on akito's back, trying to scare him. akito lost his balance and almost fell but luckily you managed to grab his hand before his face could hit the cold ground. "damn i thought you were stronger than this" you teased him. "oi, why'd you do that?!" he shouted angrily but you only giggled and walked in front him "gosh what am i gonna do with you" he mumbled before catching up with you.

"oh yea, toya's not here today. he said he caught the flu." akito said in a slightly disappointed tone.  "oh. well i wish him a fast recovery then" you said and sighed, lately there has been a lot of people getting sick which was unfortunate but i mean you get to skip school so it wasn't all that bad right?

"man why is it always history first. that goddam bald teacher is so boring" you yawned as you entered the classroom with akito. akito didn't say anything and just went to his seat.

after many many lessons you finally reached to the final one before schools out although this final one was worse than history

you wanted to escape to bathroom but to your luck your math teacher entered the class just when you stood up from your seat. "alright take your seats everyone, today's gonna be fun because we're gonna have a test!" your math teacher said as she clasped her hands together. you stared at her dumbfounded. "are you serious right now." you thought in your head. you sat down and started doing rituals hoping that you will at least pass this test.

as the teacher walked pass each desk handing each student a sheet of paper, you nervously sweat and glanced over to akito, he was seated just to your front right "damn he's really sleeping now?" you raised your brow and wish him all the best for what's coming.

"shinonome! wake up!" your math teacher shouted loudly while she smacked akito with the stack of paper she was holding and you covered your mouth while giggling. akito raised his head while rubbing the back of his head that got hit. he mumbled a soft sorry before taking his pen and wrote his name. "alright students, this paper should only take you 15 minutes and halfway through the lesson you must pass me back your paper whether done or not, you may start!" she smiled creepily and you got shivers down your spine.

you stared at the first question and blinked nonstop. "did we even learn this?.." you thought and skipped to the next question and it looked very much foreign to you. "it's alright third ones the charm" you thought and skipped to the third question. "never mind." you thought. you went over to the first question again and somehow you magically solved it. you glanced at akito again and he was still stuck on the first question. "what a dummy" you laughed in an evil manner , forgetting you were equally as bad as him in math.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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