High Minds Speak Sober Thoughts

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Pairings: Ruby X Y/N

Warnings/Tags: Implied Smut - MDNI, Weed, Smoking, Y'all gon fuck dont worry, intense flirting, confident!ruby, slight dom!ruby

Your best friend recently got a hold of you. This wouldn't have been weird except for the fact that he was part of a now famous duo in the independent music industry. You guys had initially met through mutual friends back when you went to school in NOLA. The schooling you attempted so desperately to finish, didn't seem to last or stick long. The friendship you made with Aristos? That stuck around. That stuck around, HARD.

You guys were inseparable when he first started making music with his cousin, Scott. After they started to pick up, you didn't get to see them as much. Slowly but surely every day turned into once a week, once a week to once every couple months and so forth. So when he reached out to you asking if you wanted to hang out while he was back home, You simply couldn't bring yourself to say no. Not that you wanted to anyways.

You had always had a little bit of a crush on him. You showed it in small ways; Like when you bought him the Naruto Collection DvDs he talked about for an entire year straight, or the time you paid for his food when he forgot that the subway took Apple Pay - That one you still didn't let him live down, but he was high so he insists you should cut him some slack.

You had hurriedly gotten ready in some comfy but cute pajamas and grabbed all your paraphernalia. Heading down to the living room, You heard the knocking on your door. It was the same pattern you two used to use to knock on each others windows when you'd sneak each other in late at night. You quickly set your tray with everything on it down on the coffee table and cracked the front door open, peering out to see who it was before fully opening it.

Of course, it was Ari. Standing there with a small black backpack hanging off his back with a keychain from an anime that you didn't quite recognize. You quickly hugged him and ushered him inside. You could smell a mixture of his cologne and the bag of weed in his coat pocket as he passed by you to sit on the couch and flip the TV onto Spotify for music.

You turned around and walked back over to the couch where he was sitting. He actually had pulled the coffee table closer to him to reach the wraps on the tray. He began to open the grinder, breaking the bigger nugs apart to use for the blunt.

"So, How is the fame treating you?" You asked curiously, watching him intensely as he focused in on loading the weed up into the wrap. His eyes peaked up at you and he stopped his actions for a moment.

"It's uh... It's alright. It was a lot to try to get used to at first but It doesn't bother me too much anymore." He mentioned with a genuine smile towards you. You watched as he twisted and sealed the wrap up with his mouth. You focused in on his lips zoning out. You didn't realize he had sparked the blunt till he was passing it to you.

"So, do you have anything you need to talk about?" He asked you arching an eyebrow up slightly. You took a slow drag from the blunt, leaning your head back slightly to blow the smoke out.

"What do you mean by that?" You asked, playing dumb to the fact that he had obviously caught you staring at his mouth.

"You know what I mean Y/N. I see the way you look at me sweetheart. You don't have to pretend we don't have tension." He muttered back taking the blunt back from between your fingers. Your eyes widened slightly feeling a blush spread across your cheeks.

"I- uh..." You stammered struggling to think of what to say in response to the direct attack he just laid out at you. You watched him take a long drag from the blunt, blowing smoke rings before exhaling the rest of the smoke in his lungs. He glanced over at you curiously.

"It's okay babygirl, I've felt the same way about you for a while. Why don't you think we do something about this while I'm home? Hmm?" He looked at you making eye contact as he scooted slightly closer to you. He laid a hand on your thigh gently rubbing the soft skin. "Is this something you want baby?" He whispered leaning in to brush his lips against the curve of your earlobe.

"Y-Yes please.." You felt yourself nodding eagerly. You had goosebumps running down your arms. You felt Aristos gently take your hand. He snubbed out the blunt in the ashtray before leading you up to your room.

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