Fighting for You

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Pairings: Ruby Da Cherry x Reader

Warnings: Language, fluff


You and Ruby had been best friends since you took his toy from him in kindergarten and he screamed as loud as he could. You had been a relatively loud kid and you and him just clicked through that love of noise. So it was no surprise to anyone when he grew up to be a rapper and you had grown up to be a producer.

The two of you had kept in touch after all these years and you couldn't lie, this man was your absolute best friend. You and Ruby had been sitting around passing a blunt between the two of you. The scattered UNO cards on the coffee table beside the ashtray indicating that you had ABSOLUTELY annihilated him in that game. You two spent the passing time talking about the newest album that him and his cousin had been working on. He played a small clip of one of the songs.

"This is.. actually phenomenal, Ari." You looked over at him through half lidded eyes. You were entranced by the music pumping through the studio speakers.

"Well hey, we're gonna be playing one of the venues downtown if you wanna come along? Scott and I can for sure get you a pass." He mentioned, taking the lit blunt from you and taking a drag off of it.

You pondered the idea for a few seconds before your face lit up with a grin.

"Actually yeah, I think I'd like that!"

Later on that night, The boys had sent you the link to your ticket and pass. You had dressed appropriately for the concert with your sturdy boots, black jeans, and a loose T-shirt. You had no trouble parking or getting into the venue. You knew the amount of people there was going to be insane so you hurried inside to the VIP pit, directly in front of the stage.

About an hour passed before the stage lit up and the boys began their set. Song after song shook the venue, everyone was having an absolute blast. That was, until you felt a harsh push on your back, practically shoving you into the guardrails along the front of the stage. You whipped around to see a tall guy that had decided he was gonna get to the rails regardless of who was in front of him. You noticed he didn't have a pass around his wrist indicating that he likely hopped the rails along the VIP pit and main GA.

You looked up at the stage and noticed that Ruby had been staring right at your area. Upon closer inspection, He had his eyes locked on the guy that had shoved you. Ruby knew the guy was likely drunk but that still didn't give him the right to be hurting people.

"Yo! Stop! You! Yeah you motherfucker, front row by the rails, Stop pushing people bro. You aren't even in your section. You can't get mad at me for calling you out in front of everyone when you're throwing a red X on yourself but hurting people dude. Get the fuck outta here." He yelled into the mic at the guy. The venue was silent for a few seconds before erupting into cheers as the guy was whisked away and out the doors by the security team.

"Okay now that thats done and over with, Can we run it back?" Ruby looked back at Scott and the rest of the team on stage before locking eyes with you again and giving you a small wink. The beginnings of 2nd Hand coming through the speakers. You made a mental note that you owed Ruby now. Big time.

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