Chapter Six

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Tex-- 7:30AM
"WAKE UP, LADIES!" I yelled at the group on the couch. "Breakfast's ready." Brahms jumped at the sudden sound of my voice right in his ear, which woke everyone else up. "Breakfast's on the table." Brahms stood to help Alistra up and he let out a little squeak. I walked over and saw blood across her white shirt. "Oh, dear. What happened, Darlin'?" I asked her. "Huh..?" She asked. She went and sat down at the table. Stu immediately noticed the blood. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked. "I don't know, what happened? Why are you so worried?" She asked. I sat down across from her. She looked at me. "You're bleedin'." I told her. "Oh." She seems unconcerned. "Uhh.. Is this normal?" I asked Stu. "We've had her for I think 3 days now and she wakes up with cuts, scratches or bruises every single time." He replied. "Freddy probably did it." She nodded and said 'I must have reopened the cuts from last night.' Norman comes over to sit with her and touched a bloodstain across one of her breasts. "W-what happened...?" He looks up at her. "I just reopened a few cuts, it's fine." She told him. "You're bleeding. You're not fine." He told her. "Well, do you want to try and fix it?" He nodded and pulled her off to the guest bathroom. "So. Every night?" Billy nodded. "Every time she falls asleep, she wakes up with a new scratch, cut or bruise. No matter what we do." "She'll end up okay." Thomas's rough voice says from the doorway. "Mornin'." I say. He came over and sat at the table. "What happened? I saw the girl with blood all over her." He asks. "They said it's normal." Freddy walked in with a tear in the front of his shirt and blood dripping from an open wound on his chest. "What happened to you-" Billy asked. "The Little Bitch stabbed me." He growls. "Ya deserved it, seein' whatcha did to her." I replied. "She started it." He said angrily.
Alistra-- 8:00AM
Norman helped me clean out the cuts and bandage them. He took a little while longer on my breast for some reason. "What?" I ask him. "H-huh? O-oh, nothing..." He put a bandaid over the cut, handing my shirt back. He picked me up and carried me out to the kitchen table. Thankfully I had gotten my shirt on before he picked me up. "So y'all a couple?" Tex asked, directed at me and Norman. I sat down at the table "Uhh... Maybe? I don't know." I reply. "We're ready just a group of cuddle bugs."  "Adorable. Is there a dominant... 'Cuddle Bug'... In said group?" Thomas asked. "If there was it would probably be me." I say. "If you wanna join us sometime, you can. Just... No chainsaws or other stabby things. I already get hurt enough." I glare at Freddy. He growls at me. I leaned down to get the knife from my boot and threw it at him. It missed and nearly hit Jason in the arm, who jumped a little and looked at me, raising his arms a little in a confused gesture. "Why did you throw a knife at me-" Freddy asked angrily. "Because I can. What are you gonna do about it, Bacon Boi?" I said, standing up and running out of the room. It was raining outside. I ran out into the tall grass and hid. The grass blades were sharp and I was being g torn up as I ran. "Ow..." I mutter to myself. I was deep into the grass now, close to the forest surrounding Thomas's house. I heard someone rustling around in the grass. I could either stay here or run to the forest. The rustle was getting louder, so I ran to the forest. I got to the edge of the grass, tripped and fell, and something bit my arm. A snake. A garter snake. I pull it out of my arm and I tie it's mouth closed with a piece of random string I had in my bag. I put it in a pocket of the bag and zip up the pocket before running into the forest. I found a spot that looked like a good hiding place and sat there. I don't know how long I was there before I fell asleep. I just hope I won't bleed out on the ground here. I'm torn up pretty badly...

(756 Words)

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