Chapter Two.

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(Billy) Ghostface-- 2:00AM

I carried her to my house, where I had stuff to take care of the stab wound. I was worried about whether she had anything on under the shirt after I took it off or not, and I didn't want to ask in case that was weird.  "Calm down." She said. "It's not that bad. You only got an inch into me."
"An inch is still a lot." I tell her. She looks up at me. "What's under your mask that you want to hide so much?" She asks. "Really nothing.. Why?" I ask. "You stabbed me because I tried to take it off. Why?" I took her into our house and laid her over the sink. "I don't like showing my face to strangers." I told her as I leaned down to get the first aid kit. She struggled against me as I tried to pull off her shirt.  "I'm trying to help-!" I told her. I finally managed to get it off and she wasn't wearing anything under it.  I try my best to not focus on it. As I started cleaning out her wound, she reached up to my mask.  She took it off, putting it next to her on the counter. "Hey- Why'd you do that?" I ask her. "I wanted to see. You're cute.." She says. "I... You think so?" I ask, confused. "Mhmm. Why would anyone ever cover this?" She asks as she strokes my cheek.  I finish with the wound and hand her her shirt back. She puts it on and I pick up my mask.
 "House tour?" She asks. "Fine." I reply. "Don't go in any of the bedrooms except mine and the guest bedroom. Okay?" She nods and starts dragging me around the house. "What happens if I open one of the bedrooms?" She asks. "That, I don't know." I told her. "Well, if you don't know yet, try it!" She went up to one of the doors and tried to open it.  The door opened on her second try and no one was in the room. "He's probably out looking for someone." I told her. "Who's this 'someone'?" She asks. "I don't know. He doesn't really... Tell anyone much of anything. You might get to meet him tomorrow." I told her. "...Why don't you go get some rest?" I lead her to the guest room. She sat down on the edge of the bed. "Be careful for Freddy." I say, leaving and closing the door behind myself. I hear a muffled "Who's Freddy...?" As I walked back to my room.

(Billy)Ghostface-- 8:00AM
I woke up the next morning to check on the girl, she was having a nightmare. She was shaking and... Crying...? I shook her awake quickly and found a cut under her eye. She looked up at me before wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me. She's still shaking, out of fear and pain... I know who must have done this.
"FREDDY!!" I called him. "THE HELL YOU WANT." He replied. "GET YOUR ASS UP HERE. NOW." I heard him coming up the stairs. "What." He says. I gesture to the girl. She looks up at him and runs to... My room?
"What did you do to her?!" I asked Freddy. "Calm do-" "Awnser me! What did you do to her?!" I repeat angrily. "I attacked her, why's it such a big deal?" He says. "She your girlfriend or something..?" "She is not my girlfriend-!" I tell him. I see the girl out the corner of my eye with my knife. "It's lovely to see you in person..." Freddy said, directed to her. She hissed angrily at him. "Whoa. Much different in real life, I guess." He says. "Last time I saw her she was running and hiding from me. Terrified little bunny, weren't you." He told me. He moved closer to the girl. The knife shimmers in her hand. She shuddered as he ran the knives attached to his glove lightly across her face. She moved forwards, into his chest. She moved her hands to act like she was trying to hug him. And then she stabbed him in the back and ran. "OW, WHAT THE FUCK." He said, chasing after her. I stepped into the hall and went downstairs to the kitchen. "What's going on?" Norman asked. "I met a girl and Freddy attacked her. And then she attacked Freddy and now he's chasing her." I reply. "Oh.. Is she okay?" He asked. "Hopefully." I said, running after them. They were easy to find, as Freddy was yelling cusses at her. Stu had followed me outside. "What happened again?" He asked. Well, I guess Freddy visited her in a dream and attacked her and so she attacked him and now he wants her dead. So I have to go find her now. He runs after Freddy, who stops moving and yelling. The girl came out of the tall grass behind me." Who's he?" She asked, pointing to Stu. "That's my best friend, his name is Stu." I tell her "If I talk to him, is he gonna try and stab me?" She asked. "I told him about you a minute ago, so, no probably not." I reply. He walks over with Freddy. The girl had her machete back now and looked ready for a fight. "You're dead, Bitch." He told her, struggling against Stu.

(901 Words)

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