Chapter 1.

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Melina POV.

I'm walking through the street and I see the Zyurangers playing with the children.

Goushi see's me and runs towards me and takes my bag.

Melina“ Thank you Goushi.

He smiles and we walk to my house he gives me my bag and I give him a smile.

Goushi looks ahead and he pushes me down and he gets attacked by Golems.


I run inside and lock the door I hear the fight go on I hear a laughter a woman's laughter.

I look out my window seeing Goushi fighting a woman with a sword in the shape of a boomerang.

She kicks Goushi and she looks at my house our eyes connect she smirks and winks.

I hear something move in my house I turn around and it's that warrior Grifforzar that Goushi told me about.

I scream and back away from him but he pulls out a necklace and places it on the table and disappears.

Goushi POV.

Lamy grabs my shirt and lifts me up.

Lamy“ Listen here Zyuranger stay away from the girl or you'll regret it.

She tosses me across the street.

Goushi“ AAAAH!

Melina POV.

I pick up the necklace and I am shocked.


I'm getting ready for bed and I am changing in my room I hear a noise outside.

I walk towards my window and open it.

Melina“ Hello?

I look around and don't see anything.

I close my window and get in bed.

I close my eyes and let peace and quiet takeover.

Lamy POV.

I watch the girl through the Dora Scope and I pout as her blanket falls off her.

I teleport to her room and tuck her in I smile at how adorable she is.

Darling gave her the necklace now all we have to do is wait for her to put it on.

Melina POV.

I wake up and get ready for school and it's my 18th birthday.

I walk out and make my breakfast peanut butter on toast.

I notice that necklace and stare at it.

I roll my eyes and throw it away I open my door seeing it's storming.

I turn on my radio.

??“ Due to crazy weather all schools are cancelled.

I sigh and turn off my radio and I hear knocking at my door I walk towards it and open it.

Geki“ Hey Melina may we stay here til the rain stops?

Melina“ Oh um sure!

I welcome them inside and I grab some fresh clothes for them I take their soaked up clothes to the washer.

I enter my basement and put Mei's clothes in first.

I hear footsteps behind me.

Melina“ Hey guys your clothes will take some time.

A hand touches my hair and I turn around and see Grifforzar.

Melina“ GOU-.

He covers my mouth and gestures me to be quiet I nod slowly he removes his hand and takes out a crown.

He covers my mouth and gestures me to be quiet I nod slowly he removes his hand and takes out a crown

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He places it on my head and I stare at him in confusion until Geki jumps out of know where.

They start clashing swords and Goushi rushes towards me and takes me upstairs.

Goushi“ Melina are *notices crown* Is that a crown?


Goushi“ That's weird.

Melina“ Yes it is-.


Golems come out of nowhere and start attacking I back away from the fight but I bump into someone.

I turn around seeing Lamy.

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