"Hey, Jason."

"Mmm-Mmm, hey buddy." he tells Dillon playfully. "You must really be trying to give that lady a heart attack. You might just succeed this time. Tell me how it goes." He tells Dillon walking away.

"Whatever." Dillon says rolling his eyes. "Hey, Noalani, don't say anything weird to her and only talk to her if she asks you a question. Okay?" he tells me with a nervous smile.


Before Dillon could ring the doorbell another man had opened the door for us.

"Well hello! You must be Noelle!" he tells me pulling me in for a hug.

"My name is Noalani" I tell him smiling wide. "Nice to meet you."

"Oh sorry dear. I knew it was something like that." he says letting out a deep chuckle. "Nice to meet you too." His dad has this accent that sounds like it could be Russian or something and it's really nice.

"Hey dad..." Dillon says nervously.

"Hey son, it's been what? Like 3 years or something? You've buffed up man." he tells Dillon giving him a soft punch in his chest causing him to blush. Awe. "Your girlfriend here is beautiful. Let's hope mom thinks the same thing." he says with a playful wink.

I follow them into the house and it's gorgeous. We settle down at the table and Dillon goes to find his mother. His dad just asks me some basic questions. I like his dad, he's a nice man.

"Dillon! Oh it's nice to see you son. It's been too long! I thought we made a deal to see each other at least twice a year, what happened to that?" I hear his mom out in the hallway. She has this really high, annoying voice.


"Any who, I cannot wait to see what type of girl you've brought home this time! Hopefully she's the last, you need to start to settle down, you're getting old now."

"How many girls has Dillon brought home?" I ask his dad.

"About ten, give or take. That lady in there did not like any of them."


She walks into the dining room and we make eye contact. I sent her a gentle smile and she gave me a look of disgust. I let out a sigh of despair. I'm not going to to be able to change her mind.

"Who is this, a friend?"

"No, mom. This is Noalani, my girlfriend."

"Oh. Well nice to meet you, Nasani." she tells me giving me a fake smile.

"Nice to meet you too." I don't even bother correcting her.

"Her name is Noalani." Dillon corrects her.

"Oh okay, what a doll." she says walking off into the kitchen mumbling stuff to herself.

Dillon comes and takes a seat next to me while she goes and gets dinner. When she finishes setting the table we start to eat. Dillon's father, Alan, tells me more about him, his mom, Dillon's grandma, actually from Czech Republic so I guess that's where he gets his accent from. His mom doesn't want to talk much so his dad just talks about her for her. She seems so disturbed at the fact that I'm his girlfriend.

"Alright, time for dessert!" She says getting up rushing to the kitchen.

"This woman here makes the best apricot cobbler ever." his dad tells me. Too bad I'm allergic to apricots. I don't say anything though because I don't want to be a bother to her as much as I already seem to be and besides, I have my epipen in my purse upstairs.
I hope Dillon won't say anything, if he even remembers.

Chocolate And Vanilla Swirl (BWWM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin