002. The Tree of Life

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Iris's pov:

      We all sat in the Alfea Auditorium, waiting for Faragonda to begin her lesson. Bloom, Aisha, Stella and I sat together on the lower step, while Tecna, Musa and Flora sat on the higher one.

     "We're ready, Professor Palladium. Let the simulation begin." Faragonda said. "The new holo-virtual projections are now active, Headmistress Faragonda." Palladium said as he was in the simulator machine.

      We all sighed in annoyance, as it seemed as they were back in class."Now then girls, you're about to learn the history of the Hunters of the Black Circle."

    The simulation beginned as small screens popped up, showing pictures."Huh?"

    "Their story begins in the human world, the Earth. At that time, the planet's energy was in the fairy's hands." "Oh!" Flora, Tecna and Musa exclaimed at this new revelation.

     "And they would dispense that energy through air, water, and fire." Faragonda explained "My mom should've told me this." I sigh to myself

     "But that ended, when four men arrived, the Wizards of the Black Circle." Faragonda finished

     Stella gasped as the men appeared on the holoscreen, wearing medieval clothing. "That's them!"

     "You bet it is!" Musa added, gritting her teeth.
"Calm down. We need to know all about our enemies if we're going to defeat them. Their goal was to rule the world by controlling nature's forces. They created a powerful spell in which made them immune to fairy's magic. This way they could catch the fairy, steal their wings.."

     The girls gasped in horror. "Oh my!"

     "And drain the magic from them. So the Wizards began fairy hunting. One by one, the fairies were defeated while the power in the wings made Ogron and his Wizards stronger."

    "I'm mortified!" I exclaim

    "This is awful!" Bloom exclaimed.

     "I can't watch anymore." Stella said covering her eyes.

     "This isn't possible." Layla protested.

    "Morgana, queen of the terrestrial fairies, faced Ogron, but was defeated. Not even the Major Fairies, the Supreme Guardians of nature's forces, could escape the Wizards of the Black Circle. Ogron had won, and magic on Earth disappeared." Faragonda continued.

     "This is horrible. I... I've always loved fairy stories but this is one I wish had never happened." Bloom said.

     "So the people of Earth forgot about us, and we became nothing more than legendary figures they read about in fairy tales."

      "But without fairies, who protected the Earth from the Wizards?" Flora asked.

     "Nobody, and the human world with no protection slipped into chaos, war, and intolerance."

     We all stood up, walking out of the auditorium, as the simulation ended and Professor Palladium shut down the machine.

     "I can't stand it! If only I could get my hands on those four guys, right now!" Stella said practically growling.

𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲, a Winx storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat