Our leader's love

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Matthew, Jiwoong, Hanbin and Zhang Hao. It'd always been the four of them together.

Gyuvin would always laugh about the TikTok's he'd seen online about Matthew and his 'sunshine protectors', but it was ultimately true.

His three boyfriends would always protect him, pamper him and love him, the way he deserved to be loved.

"Hanbinnie hyung, do you think Jiwoon hyung and Hao hyung are having fun on their date right now?" Matthew asked as he buried his head into Hanbin's chest.

Hanbin hummed as he stroked his hair animatedly, circling his arms around the younger.

The other half of their relationship had decided to go on a date together, just the two of them to get to know each other better.

"I hope they can speak more freely with each other" Matthew giggled as Hanbin adoringly pinched his cheeks and nodded.

Ever since they all confessed to one another, Zhang Hao and Jiwoong had been too caught up with the other members and decided to do some couple bonding together.

"But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun together..." Hanbin said suggestively as Matthew blushed and hid his face.

"Do you miss them?" He whispered, a deep hot breath fanning into Matthew's ears as he shivered.

Matthew cutely shook his head as he exclaimed "I'm more than happy to be spending time with hyung again" he mumbled.

"That's true, it's been a long time since it was just us Seokmae," Hanbin replied as he caressed Matthew's cheeks softly.

They were all alone in the dorms tonight, with the eldest members on a date and Taerae having given them a pointed look, took all the young ones out for dinner.

"Use protection!" Taerae had whispered to Matthew that night as Matthew had blushed and hit him with a spatula.

Matthew tensed as he felt Hanbin slowly touching his body. His strong hands glided up his lithe waist as Hanbin flipped them around and landed on top of Matthew.

"Is this alright Seokmae?" Hanbin asked gently as he reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind Matthew's ears.

Matthew shyly nodded as Hanbin then continued his ministrations.

"Ahh- hyung... ngh" Matthew whined as he writhed under Hanbin's grasp. Hanbin's touch left shivers as Matthew arched his back to lean into Hanbin's wondering hands.

"So pretty Seokmae, look at you. Lying here under me, so desperate" Hanbin commented as he stared at Matthew's flushed face and dazed expression.

Hanbin sucked and explored his treasure's body thoroughly, enjoying the purple and red marks beginning to blossom. Jiwoong and Zhang Hao would immensely enjoy seeing the way Matthew's body was responding right now, but lucky for him, he had Matthew all too himself.

"D-don't leave it in obvious places" Matthew panted as Hanbin smirked.

"Don't worry, I'll only leave them where your other hyung's can find them" He said as Matthew's dick hardened at the thought of Zhang Hao and Jiwoong having their way with him.

Matthew was already panting as he stared at Hanbin with pleading eyes. Oh he was so excited to see how far he could push Matthew's limits.

Matthew's hands fisted into the sheets as Hanbin found his nipples, rolling them around as the sensitive buds throbbed.

"Ahh- hyung!" Matthew whined as he pressed his chest further into Hanbin's hand and the sensations began to build up.

"Hm? Do you like that Matthew, do you like it when I play with your nipples?" Hanbin smirked as he leant down to suck a sensitive nub whilst his other hand continued its torture.

Behind the scene's secrets | A ZB1 Fanfiction Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ