how to write characters look/personality/backstory and stuff like that?

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How to NOT make them:

You actually can't make them in wrong way - what do I mean by that? you can design them like :

(x has, likes x, hates x, lives somehwere x)

Not like its the worst way to make them, but theyll propably just stay out of their character.

How to make them GREAT:

It actually depends. there are several ways to design them. personally, if you are just starting to create bots, the easiest way will be :


Focus on their personality !!! Write as much as you can.

! You can add as much as you want to - its only template to show you basic things.

Iyi - if you DON'T even know where to make bots, how to publish them and stuff, text me on discord - Hwasa#0001

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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