01- small town see you later

Start from the beginning

In the red truck, as he drove, Jey's eyes roamed across the small town they lived in. In less than a month, they would finally graduate, and no one in the group knew what would happen after that. Would they all move away? Would they all stay together? This town was his home; this town was their home. No matter all the drama, fights, and tears over the years, these eight always managed to stay together.

For the girls, life was also moving far too quickly. Spring Break was about to be over, and no girl had even had the chance to prepare what they knew was about to come. All three girls knew that they were going to hook up with at least one guy this weekend. That's the prerogative of a small town. There is always a standard that has to be met, no matter how high or low. Mandy, Liv, and Sasha mentally prepared themselves for the seemingly mandatory sexual encounters that were about to take place.


Both the truck and Mustang pulled into the driveway. Well, the driveway was just a half mile long dirt road, covered in leaves and twigs. The humidity had gotten to the girls already and seeped into their vehicle. The humidity was a lot worse a long the coast so there was no need for self care this weekend. The doors of both vehicles opened and everyone hopped out.

"So, this is it?" Mandy scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Yep!" Jimmy opened the hatch of the truck and began pulling bags out. "This is what it looked like online."

"I can't believe you booked us this dump!" AJ ran his fingers through his hair. "My hair is an absolute mess!"

Jimmy rolled his eyes and shoved one of AJ's bags towards his chest. "First of all, quit worrying about your damn hair. Second, why did you pack so much? And, lastly, we all pitched in the money to by this joint and agreed to come here, including you."

Seth walked to Sasha's car and grabbed the keys out of her hand, walking to her trunk. The blue haired beauty was confused at first until a wide smile took over her face. Seth had unlocked the trunk and began pulling out the girl's luggage. Of course, it is common for men in the south to open the door for a lady and carry her bags if you are both going to the same place.

"Thanks for the help, but I can get it," Sasha wrapped her lavender carryon over her shoulder.

Seth shrugged his shoulders and closed the trunk. The two began to walk towards the steps of the house, both watching the ground and stepping two feet at a time on the wooden steps. "It's not big deal. You girls deserve some special treatment this weekend."

Of course, Sasha knew what he meant but didn't care. A chill raced down her spine at the thought of Seth giving her "special treatment". Heads twist and turned slowly around the two story abandoned house. Even though the house was wooden from ceiling to floor with seemingly repaired appliances, the windows and doors told a different story. The windows were covered by white sheets, and the doors were hard to open.

"Well," Adam broke the silence. "At least we have a television."

The television was the only object that did not have an upgrade. The t.v. must've been built in the 1940s with the wires and antennas on top of the small object.

"What was that?" Liv asked as a gust of wind burst through a window, causing the white sheet to fall on the ground.

AJ rolled his eyes and made his way to the staircase. "It's just the wind. This house is like 100 years old anyways. Chill out!"

As the group settled into their rooms, Jey felt that something wasn't right about this house. There was something off, but he couldn't tell what it was. He looked to the side as he watched Liv begin to unload her clothes from her suitcase. Jey and Liv were forced to stay in a room together which was something AJ argued over.

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