Learning the history of Katherine and Natalie

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We got there and started walking inside

Morning Lil sis. Damon said as he gave me a plate of my food

Morning Big brother. I said as i took the plate and sat down

Where's Stefan? He said it was important. Elena said

Oh yea he's here along with that girl who kidnapped us. I said

They soon join us while Damon hands me some juice which i take gratefully

Morning Lil sis. Stefan said

Morning Stef. i said

Ok you have to understand i only know what i picked up over the years i don't know what's true and what's not true it's a problem with all the vamp crap but i know one thing Klaus is real. Rose said

Klaus? As in Klaus Mikalson? I said

Yes he is real. She said

Who is he? Elena said with a dumb question

Has anyone told her that's annoying? Rose said

Elena they are the originals you know the first vampire she literally told us before Elijah came. I said as i started eating again

Thank you, someone actually understands. She said

Like Elijah? Elena said i shook my head a bit annoyed

No Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Rose said as i bit my lips so i don't laugh

Klaus is known to be the oldest. Stefan said

So you're saying the oldest family wants me and Addy? Elena said

Pretty much. According to Elijah they saw me in their dreams ever since they turned? I said

What do you mean Lil sis have you been dreaming of them? Stefan asked

I have it was one of my first dreams the one i was pulled to many months ago

I saw their village where their mother did her spell and then when she delivered the cups reeked of blood I tried to stop myself from getting closer but my body wouldn't listen. I saw when their so-called father killed them all and that's how they became the originals. I said

So that was your first dream? Damon said

Yes at first I didn't see much but I heard crying and then after I saw them all clear there are 5 of them, 4 brother's and 1 sister. There used to be another one but he died from werewolves.I said

Did you know there were werewolves? Elena asked

No i didn't i heard the name but that's it. I said

Look, Elijah is dead right so no one else knows you two exist. Stefan said

No one you know of. Rose said

Wow, way to state the obvious Rose. i said

That's not helping. Damon said

Right. I said

Look I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him i mean we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real for all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bedtime story. Stefan says

Actually Rose is right he is real supposedly Katherine and Natalie visited them many many years ago. I said

Yea he's real and he doesn't give up if he wants something he gets it. If you are not afraid of Klaus you should be. Rose said 

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