The book of the two sisters

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I kept taking orders get flirted by drunks all night and i'm supposed to meet Elena here ugh what a rough night

40 minutes later

Hey Adaline. Elena said

Evening Elena what's up? I said

Uh well we need to talk. She said

Oh sounds serious. I said

It is. She said

I looked around it's a lil slow for now I grabbed my water and Elena and me sat down

What's wrong Elena? I said

Well I'd like to say I'm sorry for not listening to you and Bonnie. She said

It's alright. I said

No it's not like my best friend and the kindest person I've ever known. She said

Aww Elena. I said with a smile

There's something else, apparently Stefan has a brother named Damon. She said

What? But he said he didn't have any. I said

I know but it gets weirder it turns out Stefan used to have a girlfriend named Kathrine. She said

My heart stopped

K-Kathrine?! I said shocked so she is real just like in the dreams

Yes that's her name and then Stefan got there and he acted really weird. She said

Weird how? I asked

Well he wouldn't even look at me he just stared at Damon and wanted me out of the house like right away. She said

Really that's strange? I said

I know which is why I wanted to talk to you cause it was weird and at the party when Vicki got attacked Tyler was really drunk and he smashed a broken beer bottle on Stefan's hand and I saw it bleed but he said it's not his blood. She said

How is that possible? I said confused

I have no clue but it was strange. She said

Yea no kidding, Look Elena it's getting late i'm super tired i worked all day and it's a slow night so i'm not worried about it but it's literally 11:55 pm and i'd like to go home but tell me whenever this happens again ok. I said

It was one of your really late shifts. She said

Yes it was. I said

Ok i will tell you if anything else happens, Night Adaline talk to you tomorrow. She said as she left

Once my shift was done i headed to my car to go home Once i made it home Tyler was sitting on the chair

Ty is everything ok? I said

I'm not sure I found something. He said

I walked over to him and sat down

Found what? I said

This. he said as he handed me the book the history of two sister

What is this? I asked

It's a book of the two sisters in the 1800s in mystic falls. He said

I opened the book

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