Opening the tomb

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Wakey Wakey. Someone said

I open my eyes slowly it was a blur But then my eyes adjusted and i saw a man sleeping

I heard a groan next to me

Elena? I hurried over to her

When she looked around i placed my finger on my lips as i motioned the man

She nodded

And we tried walking to the door quietly we unlatched the door and opened only to be stopped by the man

I wouldn't don't try to escape or move understand.the man said we nodded once he turned we opened the door only to be stopped by the woman

Damn it. I mumbled

She shoved us back in and locks the door

Seriously. The woman said

I told them not to move. I did that eye thing. He said

Yes you did such a great job ya dumbass. I said

He lunged at me

I smiled

And used my hand to make him screech in pain

So your a witch impressive. The woman said

I stopped and looked at her

And your Anna Jer's girl you might wanna teach your idiotic vamp a lil better. I said

Well he did forget the vervain but i don't smell any on you. She said

Nope you don't shocking. I said with a smirk

They tried to take my necklace but it burned them

Ha Nice try. I said

Never seen a necklace that can do that. The man said

Well now you have. I said with a smile

You got fire your just like Katherine and Natalie. She said as she shoved Elena in the bathroom

You knew them. I said

I did Natalie was a keeper but her sister not so much. She said

Couldn't agree more. I said as i sat down i was still worried for Elena but for now i'm quite curious of this girl

So why can't compulsion work on you hmm? She said

I would tell but i don't trust you enough. I said

She nodded at the dude

Why can't you be compelled? He said

I laughed and kicked him off me

I'm not telling you. I said

Impressive but you did prove my point you don't have vervain in your system you obviously know how to defend yourself. She said as she examined with her eyes

Wow, I'll give you a gold star for your effort. I said

That's when the man brought out Elena

You're wasting your time. I'm not gonna help. I heard Bonnie say

Bonnie! I said

That's why they're here. The man said as he closed the bathroom door

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