Sherlock x reader When I found you

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Y/n = your name
Sherlock was one of the greatest detectives in the city, but even he knew that he couldn't solve every case on his own. That's why he had y/n as his partner in work. She was an amazing actor and interrogator, and Sherlock had seen her in action many times. There was something about her that intrigued him, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

One evening, after a long day of work, Sherlock decided to unwind at a nearby bar. He ordered a glass of wine and took a seat at the bar. That's when he saw y/n walk in, looking just as tired as he was. He decided to strike up a conversation with her, and soon they were chatting like old friends.

As they talked, Sherlock found himself getting more and more interested in y/n. He was drawn to her wit, her intelligence, and her charm. They laughed and joked, and Sherlock felt himself letting his guard down in a way that he rarely did.

As the night went on, the two of them continued to drink and talk. Sherlock found himself enjoying y/n's company more and more, and he began to realize that he was catching feelings for her. But he was afraid of getting rejected, afraid of ruining their partnership at work if things didn't work out.

Finally, after much internal debate, Sherlock gathered the courage to ask y/n out on a date. To his relief, she said yes! They went out to a nice restaurant and talked for hours, enjoying each other's company and learning more about each other.

Over the next few weeks, Sherlock and y/n continued to date and grow closer. They found that they worked well together both at work and in their personal lives. They complemented each other perfectly, and their love only grew stronger with each passing day.

In the end, Sherlock was glad that he had taken the chance and asked y/n out. He realized that sometimes the greatest risks can lead to the greatest rewards, and he was grateful to have found such an amazing partner in both work and in life.

I hope you enjoyed the oneshot please comment if i got anything wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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