𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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♬♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬
{5:00 AM}

"oh mierda..." (oh fuck) Casey mumbles when her alarm for 5 o'clock in the morning blasts through her phone, playing her favorite song which was "The Death Of Peace Of Mind" by Bad Omens, truly a majestical song. She thought maybe if she set her alarm as her favorite song it would make her happy to get up so early! wrong.

turning off her alarm, she puts her pillow over her head and slowly exhales, feeling more comfortable in her bed then she has been in days. Recently her mama has been making her run around the city to buy school supplies and uniforms for her and her 7 year old baby sister. Fuck school starts today, doesn't it?

not giving two fucks she lets the beginning of peaceful sleep take over her.

the door creaks open

Casey's heart drops to her chest, she shoots up, opening her eyes wide to fight off any sleepiness she had and begins making her bed.

"hola mamá solo estaba-" (hi mom I was just-), the stumbling girl stops talking when she grabs her freshly pressed uniform and turns around to see it wasnt her mom with a wooden spoon, it was her little sister and she was smirking menacingly.

"mom would absolutely love to hear how you were sleeping in on the first day of school" she leans against the door and looks at her nails sassily. For the past few months she's been trying to get like Casey, a professional black mailer. Casey pierces her hazel eyes at her sister for intimidation and snorts, she waddles tiredly to the bathroom, in her head she thinks she's hot shit right now. She has no idea her legs were ashy, she had drool on the side of her face, underneath her bonnet was a fucked up nest, and her lashes she forgot to take off last night were bent out of shape.

She takes off her oversized shirt, tossing it into her overflowing hamper and taking note to ask her mom to finish her laundry so she could have extra clothes for her new dorm. what if my roommate is a weird junky who eats hair? she shudders at the thought and forces herself to stop worrying about her anonymous roommate. Casey carefully takes out her bonnet, revealing a messy bun. "hey it's actually kinda cute" she falsely mumbles to herself and decides to leave it, she carefully takes off her fucked up lashes and sucks her teeth when she sees the state they're in. After she finishes getting ready Casey grabs her bag that was hanging on the door and slides out cockily, walking right past her sister.

"you were saying?" Casey chuckles and pushes herself up against the wall as her little sister runs past her and down the stairs.  "MAMA" she heard her little sister scream, Nah ain't no way she was gonna snitch, the tired girl glances at the time on her phone, if she did something to cover her ass she would most likely be late for school and her mom advised her to be nothing but perfect for this new school, her aunt did a lot to make sure Casey got in. "Fuck it" Casey mutters and rushed to her little sisters room, scoping the My Little Pony decorated room for something way bigger than her getting 0000.2 extra seconds of sleep. Her heart beat way faster than normal, it stops completely when she hears footsteps heavier than a 7 year old but not stomping like her pathetic dad making their way up the stairs.

"what the fuck would a 7 year old get in trouble for?" Casey whisper yells to herself, yes she beefs with a 7 year old from time to time, BUT they are still close. In all honesty it's their mom's fault for having another child almost 11 years after her first one. Casey's birthday was coming up.

oh shit

Casey stops moving, a sneaky smile slowly curling her plump lips, Mama told them both last night to clean their rooms, and they both did. What if one of them didn't?

She begins to empty her sister's toy box onto the floor, throwing her clothes everywhere and messing up her bed. Once Casey was satisfied with her work she rushed outside of the room and leaned against the wall, forcing herself to breathe normally.

"Casey I know damn fucking well you are not-" her mom stops talking once she sees Casey dressed up with her messy hair and her bag on the floor. "what the fuck happened to your hair?" her mom grabs her arm and leads her to the bathroom, now that Casey was wide awake she stared at her reflection in the mirror in horror. Her hair was very frizzy and barely kept together, looked like she hadn't brushed her hair in days (she hasn't brushed her hair in days, who would? it was summer and she had no boys to look pretty for, and she didnt want to. Casey didn't believe in the male species, they all suck. She couldn't even go out with her best friend Gwen Stacy because Gwen was out the whole summer with her boyfriend and Casey's cousin, Miles)

Without a word her mom sighed and grabbed multiple hair products from under the sink, "I'm gonna do your hair but you better be ready other than that 'cause I'm driving you to school and you're already late as is". Casey gratefully smiles at her mom through the mirror.

"hold on let me tell your sister to get ready" her mom speed walks across the hall, Casey jumps when she hears her mom scream. "Te dije que limpiaras tu habitación anoche!" (i told you to clean your room last night!)

Casey sighs and waits for her mom to get back

{8:45 AM}

They pulled up to the school in her mom's jeep just in time for the first bell to ring, Casey was definitely late. She was supposed to be at her dorms to settle in at 6, if they hadn't got caught up with her drunk dad on the way out the door, Casey, her mom and her sister would have been there on time.

"I love you querida" (darling), she kisses her daughter's cheek and smiles at her, not mad that they were late because she understood why. "Tell them you need to put your suitcase somewhere before class starts and if they make it a problem call me and I'll solve it", Casey chuckles a bit at her silly mom before looking into her eyes and realizing her mom was dead serious. The girl coughs awkwardly, scared her mom would slap her upside the head for laughing at her. She places the suitcase that was once on her lap onto the street and gets out the car, closing the door behind her and running across the street to the fancy school she could never call her own. she didn't belong here.

Baby girl❤️
where the fuck are you?
sent at 7:23

I'm waiting for you
in our dorm
sent at 7:50

we do room together right?
this paper says I'm rooming
with Casey Morales
read 8:47✓

Casey breathes a sigh of relief knowing she shares a room with her best friend, Gwen Stacy. "Estoy tan arruinado" (im so screwed) she mumbled as she checked her phone, classes started at 9. The teenager bursts through the school doors and looks around frantically, not caring about the random eyes curiously staring at her.

the boy with the guitar strapped on his back stared at her, not in curiousity, But in star-struck wonder. His breath quite literally taken away when she swung around frantically and hit him in the stomach with her suitcase.


♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬

hey guys! sorry if this one is boring and short or not really good this is more of a filler until she gets settled in, kind of like another introduction. feel free to leave feedback! I don't speak Spanish so if I messed up please let me know! don't be a ghost reader, vote if you can ❤️

Words: 1245

𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗟 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 | 𝖍𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖊 𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓Where stories live. Discover now