𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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{Monday 8:50 AM}

"BUFFTOS" Casey feels her suitcase ram into something, or by the sound of it, someone. wide eyed, she turns to the direction the sound came from and is met with a dude holding his stomach, his face (covered in piercings) was contorted in pain, although his dark chocolate eyes were slightly covered by the locs that fell in front of them, if the girl looked closer she would see a tint of amusement.  Nonetheless, Casey looked horrified which secretly gave the boy satisfaction, seeing as he wasn't hurt at all. He accidentally laughed a little but passed it off as a false groan of pain.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" Casey dropped her suitcase and went to help him up because he was crouched on the floor, she let out a mild scream as the boy hopped up and brushed himself off. "Ah no need for apologies luv, I have a... high pain tolerance" he winked at her and waited for a reaction. She didn't give him one. Casey was too busy studying him, his lean build, his locs, his playful smirk, his smooth brown skin any girl would yearn to touch, his shiny piercings, his punk clothes, his untied Jordans, his guitar strapped on his back. One thing floated through her mind.

He was no good

Without a word, Casey picks up her suitcase and starts to walk away, only to be stopped by the boy grabbing her arm. "let me carry your stuff luv", he mumbled and grazed her arm with his fingertips as he leaned closer to grab the suitcase from her hands, he holds back a smirk as her breath hitches. Casey pulls away from him and walks faster.

What the actual fuck? her mind races as she pushes through people, having no idea where she was going. That boy with his thick british accent, his smooth words and actions, they literally just met and he had her wondering around like a lost puppy to get away from him. Who did he think he was?

She lets out a grunt as she runs into something hard. or once again, someone.

"Wouldn't make me much of a gentleman if I dont carry your things to your destination" he grabs the hand she had on her luggage and gently pries her fingers off. how did he get in front of me so fast? I didn't hear him following me

"So, where we going?" he looks down at her with a smirk, enjoying every ounce of shock and confusion and flustering emotion she had on her face. She was quite easy to read, he liked that.

Casey drops down to the floor, kicking him out from under his feet. The boys eyes open wide as he hits the floor, his heart pounding in his chest. how did I not sense that coming? he scolded himself as the girl snatched her suitcase back from him, flipping the braid her mom did for her this morning over her shoulder. "i am going to find my schedule and dorm, you are going to leave me alone and never bother me again. understood?" she hissed at him and stormed away, annoyed by the unwanted attention he brought to them both. Casey wanted nothing to do with him, and knowing high schoolers they were going to be the talk of today. If she steered away from him it wouldnt get worse.

The boy stayed on the floor, his elbows prepping him up as he watched her figure storm away. She wasnt easy to read, and he liked that more.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
{9:37 AM}

"Thank you so much" Casey feigned a smile at the woman who showed her to her dorm, her first class was almost over and she wasn't even there yet, she was in the dorm building A that was across the street. The woman sensed Casey's worry and giggled, "be happy it isn't dorm building B which is located over there", Casey follows the woman's eyes to see her looking out the window at a building identical to the one she was in but it was way further down. "yikes" she mutters and shakes her head. The woman laughs and holds out her hand. "I'm Miss. Harpole and I'll be your dorm manager, I do room check ups every Tuesday and no boys allowed after hours which is 10. the boys dorm is upstairs, the bathrooms are over there, and no going out after dark" she explains a little more before walking Casey out.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
{9:48 AM}

Leaning back in his desk, the gruffled teenager was staring at the whiteboard the teacher stood at with a blank expression. He pretty much despised everyone in this school besides a few selected people, the mandem for example. But they weren't in this class. With a long, loud, expressive sigh, he put his feet on the desk.

Everyone excluding the teacher stopped talking and looked back at him, the boy pretended to be shy and tucked a loc behind his ear. The teacher sighed back but continued the lesson.

"UUUUUGGGHHHHHHHHH" he sighed again and stretched, smacking his lips and melting into his seat. The teacher stopped writing, his shoulders hunched, you could see his hands shaking.

"Mr. Brown, welcome back to another year of my class" he gritted his teeth and forced himself to turn around and look at the rebellious teenager who had no respect, sitting in the very back of the class, his guitar seated on the empty seat next to him.

"I don't believe in consistency Joseph, I plan to change my schedule and get outta here" he threw an apple in the air and caught it, the teacher actually smiled out of relief and held onto the board to keep himself from falling.

"Really? this is the best birthday present ever I can't wait to go home and tell my wife the news!" Mr. Garch (Joseph) began to teach again but with more life and enthusiasm, he was interrupted once again by the door opening. Casey walked through, her chest heaving and looking at her schedule. "Is this room 228?"

The boys eyes snapped to the front of the class when he heard the familiar voice, he took his feet off the desk and leaned forward, his eyes staring at his golden prize who was sweating and trying desperately to fan herself. "On second thought..." his voice drawled throughout the class.

Sweaty, hot, tired of this shit already, Casey's heart soared and plummeted at the same time when she heard his thick accent. On second thought? The teacher took one look at her, then looked at the back of the class. Her eyes followed and she was met with the same boy from earlier, he was gazing at her with a sly smirk and he slowly removed his guitar from the seat next to him.

The teacher looked back and forth between the two teenagers, no fucking way he's staying in my class for her.


Casey jumped in surprise as did most of the class, the boy in the back just chuckled. The teacher did some breathing exercises before he shot a nasty glare at Casey, who put her hand on her hip and glared back. "excuse me?" she confronted him and watched him step back. Casey pursed her lips as her teacher took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling, "I was so close" he muttered, his voice breaking.

"you, you sit with him" he snarled at her and pointed at the boy in the back, Casey scoffed and shook her head. "No I am most definitely not sitting with him someone else can move-" she went to fan her arms out to the rest of the class but saw them shaking their heads, none of them were going to move. she sucked her teeth at the class and ignored the boy staring intently at her, If she sat with him, word would definitely get around that they were infiliated with each other. She knew herself, she would begin to like him as a person, and just based off the charm he displayed for her today she would grow to have a crush on him. Casey didn't need no rebellious punk in her life, not with everything going on with her dad.

what do I do?

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im sorry this was so lazy! please vote if you can! 💓 have an amazing day! be free to leave feedback and point out if I mess anything up!
Words: 1416

𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗟 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 | 𝖍𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖊 𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓Where stories live. Discover now