Chapter VI

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A/N: Hello! It's been a long time and I'm sorry it took so long for the next update. Hope you'll enjoy reading this one :)


They enjoyed their breakfast at Özge's accommodation the next day. They recalled the liquors they drank before and rated all of them based on their own preferences and argued to which type was the best. Their excitement for the day's activities overshadowed the slight headache they've felt.

Once again, they rode the Shinkansen to head towards their next city, Osaka. It was no surprise when the two celebrities slept during the whole ride and found their bodies leaning closer to each other when they woke up. They looked at each other and chuckled in amusement instead of feeling awkward like yesterday. "The drinks last night were really something." Özge rubbed her forehead.

"Next time, we're only drinking one type of alcohol." Can also massaged the side of his head.

"I don't think I'll drink again during this trip." She stated firmly. "Yesterday's enough."

Can only chuckled in reply and diverted his attention to the plans they had for the day. When they were near the arrival station, Özge noticed the ladies from the other side of the row. They took turns glancing at them and giggled. She tilted a little and nudged Can. "Do you think they recognize us? They kept on looking at us."

Can looked at the other side and made eye contact with one of the ladies. The lady gave him an embarrassed smile, looked away and giggled with her friend. He lowered his head closer to Özge, "I don't think they recognize us. I think they find me so handsome that they just want to stare at me."

She opened her mouth in incredulity while he chuckled at her reaction. "So confident?" She arched a challenging eyebrow after she got over her shock.

"Am I not handsome?" He responded with a smirk.

"Are you still drunk?" She countered.

He chuckled. She gave him her water bottle, "Hold this. I think I still have hangover medicine here." She acted like she was rummaging her bag.

He shook his head in amusement and said, "I'm kidding. I'm kidding."

She squinted her eyes playfully and said, "I'm buying you a coffee when we arrive later."

"I want Turkish coffee!" He quipped.

She turned to him, deadpanned. "Where do you think we are? Do you think we could easily find Turkish coffee here?"

He sniggered and raised his arms in defeat, "Alright. Any coffee will do."

She nodded her head. "That's right. Don't be picky." She chastised him mockingly while he only grinned at her in return.


Umeda, Osaka

They arrived at their chosen hotel in the city. Özge told Can to wait for her at the lobby then headed to a small café. They passed by the place and she decided to buy their coffees there. She left in a hurry that Can was unable to react and protest. He felt a little awkward just by standing and waiting alone so he headed towards the reception desk.

When Özge returned to the hotel lobby with their coffees, she found Can talking to one of the hotel's staff. He raised an arm when he saw her. He grabbed the coffee tray from her hands, "Let's go."

The hotel staff smiled and bowed a little at her in greeting and they started to head towards the elevator. "Hey, we still need to talk to the front desk." She whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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