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What counts as mental illness?

Mental illness is a sickness that effects a person's "thinking, feeling, or mood," causing a disturbance in their ability to function. There are several types of mental illness. The National Alliance on Mental Illness list the following: 


Anxiety Disorders


Bipolar Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder


Dissociative Disorders

Eating Disorders

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Schizoaffective Disorder


& Related Conditions

When should I tag my story?

You should tag your story if it involves (or will involve) a character suffering from mental illness. The character does not need to be the focal character, but you should show their illness in one way or another (through speech, actions, or emotions). 

What if I don't know how to portray someone with mental illness?

The best way to learn about mental illness is to do some research. Look online and discover the basics of whatever disorder you are writing. And remember, those affected by mental illness are human beings—they are more than their sickness. Do your best, and I'm sure your story will be great.

What mental illness do you have?

At age eighteen, I was diagnosed with severe depression, severe anxiety, and an eating disorder. I take medication for the depression and anxiety, and I receive therapy for the eating disorder. 

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