Seventeen: Painful Problem

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George's Pov:

I need to go find Fred. There is something weird going on and I think it might have to do with what Y/n saw when she was getting the ingredients for the sweets. 

"Fred? FRED!" I run up to our room and find his laughing with Harry. When he sees me panicked, he immediately jumps up. 

"What's going on? Is y/n hurt?" He immediately says. His face grows worried.

"I think Cedric did something to her, she left but when she did, she was smiling oddly big and blew him a kiss. He had an ugly smirk on his face as she left. I think it was in the drink he gave her," I spoke fast.

Fred's face went numb, I only saw him get this way when somebody was bullying Ginny. His eyes looked almost black. 

"He is going to regret this." His voice was low as he clenched his fists. He walked out the door and to the party. He looked where Cedric was but Cedric was nowhere to be seen. 

"Fred you need to calm down," I said grabbing his shoulder. He shoved me gently and walked out of the common room door and looked around for Cedric. 

"Fred, we can deal with this tomorrow, right now you need to calm down," I was out of breath because of how fast Fred was running.

"He better not hurt her or so help me, I will have his throat," I could sense tears in his throat, he really cared about her. I wish I could reassure him more but I wasn't sure myself.

~Time Jump~

Y/n Pov:

Your thoughts roamed about him, how excited you were to see him and spend time with him. You got dressed and threw your hair into a slicked ponytail. You had classes today so you threw on your robes. 

You had an oddly big smile on your face as you walked through the halls

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You had an oddly big smile on your face as you walked through the halls. Everybody questioned you but it was as if you didn't notice anything. You were stuck in your thoughts about him. Analyzing his features in your mind.

You made it to the dining hall and stood in the center of the room looking around for him. His smile, his eyes, his cute little face. There were lots of students in the dining hall but you looked over to his table and found him immediately. You started to walk over to him. 

"Y/n!" A voice yelled from behind you. You turned with your smile still on your face. It was a tall ginger student. 

"Hi, do I know you?" Your voice was sweet and innocent. His face seemed to drop slightly. 

"You don't remember me?" He spoke sadly. As if you were supposed to know him as if he was a big part of your life. 

"I'm Fred, Fred Weasley," He searched your expression. That's when you suddenly remembered. 

"Hey Weasley," you turn towards him. Your eyes travel along his body and you look at his toned arms holding his broom.

"You ready to lose?" He asks with a cheeky smirk plastered along his face.

"In your dreams Freddie boy," you say and fly next to the rest of your team before he could say anything else.

Fred chuckled and flew next to the hoops on his side. He stared at you for a while before the whistle was blown.

"You heard her," You shook out of the trance you were in. That was just a false memory. Weasley looked as if he found out something. You forgot about the whole situation when you looked up at Cedric. Your eyes didn't leave his face. 

"You can't think that your dumbass plan is going to work Diggory, she will remember, I will make sure of it," Wealsey stormed away and you went and sat with Cedric. 

Fred's POV: 

"George! I think I know how to fix this!" My voice echoed into their room. 

"What do you mean?" He stood from his bed, he smiled brightly.

"She seemed like she remembered something when I said my name, I need to find a way to get her alone, to take her on a date. I can remind her of everything and maybe even fix it all," this was the happiest I had been all day. 

"That's the problem, getting her alone. With whatever he has done to her, she won't leave his side. I also have a feeling he isn't going to let her leave," George only spoke facts. Whatever he did had a strong hold on her and he wasn't going to let her go but fake love is a recipe for disaster. 

"We will find a way, we always do," I sat down and started to plan with George.

(800 words)

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