"He- what?!" Harin shouted, her jaw dropping and her bag falling on the floor of the school's hallway.

I bit my lip and nodded. "He just appeared as if he was checking on me or something."

Harin scoffed as she bent down and picked up her bag. "Soobin doesn't check on people. If anything, he harms people."

I shrugged and stuffed my backpack inside my locker before taking out my English book, slamming the locker shut right after. I turned around to see Yeonjun with an arm slumping against Harin's shoulder as she threw him a flirty smile.

"Say, where was Soobin last night?" Harin asked innocently, ignoring the dirty looks I was giving her.

Yeonjun looked as if he was deep in thought. "He said he had something important to do."

I almost choked my saliva but before I could say something, a dirty blonde haired girl appeared us in a very tight and mini, denim skirt, her pale, long legs were in view. She wore a white crop top that stopped just underneath her boobs and she was about 5'6 ft tall.

"New kid," her pitchy voice spoke up loudly, capturing some people's attention.

"It's Jang Aera," I introduced myself, almost in a sarcastic voice.

"Whatever, I'm Yoojin and I'm the head girl here," Yoojin commented, examining her well-manicured nails. "I just want to tell you the rules around here. Don't mess with my boyfriend and we'll be on good terms."

Before I could speak, Yeonjun replied with, "actually, Soobin isn't and will never be your boyfriend."

"Girl, this isn't a strip club," Harin added in a sassy tone of voice which had some girls cheering.

"I was not speaking to you Harin and Yeonjun," Yoojin replied as she said Yeonjun's name in a flirty tone of voice, earning a death glare from Harin before her eyes landed on me. "Do not fuck with me."

I scoffed. "At least you didn't make a cliché scene about this in the cafeteria."

My sentence had made the crowd whoop and behind all that makeup, I could see Yoojin's face heat up in embarrassment before storming off. The crowd broke up and Yeonjun and Harin gave me their thumbs up before heading to class.


School went by fast as I walked out to the parking lot and was heading towards Harin's Mercedes when a tall, dark figure stepped in my way. I looked up to see Soobin with his emotionless face as his eyes looking down at me as if studying me, before realizing I hadn't seen him all day today.

"You don't have to observe me from this close," I commented shakily as I took a step back.

"Who said I was observing you?" Soobin questioned, his voice made my knees weak. Literally.

My face heated up in embarrassment as I looked around for Harin, praying that she will save me from this embarrassing moment.

"Harin told me the way you handled yourself with Yoojin," Soobin said, a smirk plastered onto his face as he leaned back on a random car's hood.

Gee, thanks Harin.

"It was nothing," I replied with a shrug, looking straight at him in the eye.

"No one's ever stood up to Yoojin except my squad," Soobin arched an eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Are you saying I shouldn't stand up to Yoojin and let you and your 'squad' do all the work?" I emphasised the squad with quotation hands.

"Oh no baby cakes, do what you do best," Soobin answered with one of those smiles that could make any girls swoon. [A/N: Baby cakes😭Gee]

My heart beat started increasing rapidly at the nickname he gave me. "Hating on the nickname."

"Get used to it, baby cakes," he replied with a wink before picking himself up and giving a death stare to one of the boys that happened to be staring at my behind intensely.

I was about to start walking off until a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a hard chest as I tried ignoring the little tingles. I looked up to only see my nose just inches away from his, a smirk plastered onto his face, again. "Be ready at 8 tonight and dress however you like. It's a party."

Did he just ask me to be his date to a party?

He let my arm drop before digging his hands back into his pockets and started walking off, leaving my mouth hanging open. After a few seconds, I shook my head and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths as I made my way to the direction of the Mercedes where I found Harin with her arms across her chest, a sneaky smile playing on her lips.

It's going to be one hell of a night.

And I don't know if it's going to be good or bad.

Bad boy Choi Soobin ||Choi Soobin✔️Where stories live. Discover now