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//Record Access: Nyr Hiti//

//ID: RAS#0002//

//Entry#: 49//

I'm going to have to put this project on hold.

A lot of things have happened, mainly that everything the Black Armory feared has arrived, and we were far worse prepared than we had hoped.

Nyr Hiti is nowhere near complete to run the frame on its own, and I'm not going to risk putting a human mind in it after all the alternations I've made. For now I'm going to store them inside the frame in virtual stasis. Last thing I want to do is let an A.I. run for however long unchecked.

Until I can come back, if I ever do, I'll have to make do with the research this has provided. I'm also storing a copy of my log entries within the frame, in case they're needed.

I believe that Nyr Hiti could become something much more than what it was intended for. In a way, I'm a little sentimental towards them. They're far from the pet project they started as.

Nyr Hiti, if you ever wake up again, and find yourself more alive than ever, please remember this above all else:

Through a million possibilities you chose to protect when given the option. I could never teach you that, you chose it.

If only I could see what you would've become.

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