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//BlackNet Login//
//New Record Created: Private Exo Project//

//Access: Private//

//ID: RAS#0002//

//Security Level: F//

//Entry#: 1//

To anyone that may find this log in the future, I will be recording down my research and attempts at A.I. integration into a Braytech Exo frame.

To Henriette, you knew you couldn't have stopped me from trying.

This project is being worked on personally by myself, though it will be using some basis from our primary project of the Mobile Forge Unit.

While Meyrin has his reserves against using Exos from Braytech, I've seen them first hand. How they're designed, how they tick. They're not just robotic frames to live in; they're a shell. All they need is something to live in them.

I've told them before that Exos are the future, and I still believe that. But words are one thing, and actions are another. The Rasmussen have always been a, and Yuki forgive my pun, 'hands-on' type of family. Before I left Braytech, I caught wind of a preemptive navigation program they were developing. They were building an A.I. that could scan the systems beyond for possible places for our colony ships to deploy. Can you imagine that? Being able to predict the safest next location without ever having to lift a finger.

I managed to get in contact with the team lead on the project, Dr. Maya Sundaresh. A brilliant mind, and an even kinder woman. We got to talking and she gifted me a prototype copy of the A.I. they had been working on; said they were calling it Soteria. A fitting name to name an A.I. that would determine where humanity took its future.

I'll be using the prototype, along with an Exo Frame that I was able to get through another contact for this project. My primary goal here is to develop a frame to utilize my primary Jötunn project. Might even just the damn thing in the weapon itself.

And if this blows up in my face? Well, hopefully Hen gets a kick out of it.

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