Chapter 6- where?

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(Izuku's POV)

As my eyes gradually opened, I found myself in a stark white room that resembled a hospital ward. A faint breeze caressed my cheek, indicating the presence of an open window. However, something felt amiss. There was no sound of a heart monitor beeping, just an eerie silence that enveloped the room. Despite feeling drained and exhausted, I made an effort to sit up and scrutinize my surroundings. My recollection was hazy, and I couldn't recall what had happened to me. The last thing that came to mind was a villain attacking me and crystals.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted my thoughts, causing me to  snap back to reality. "Hey kid, nice to see you awake," I turned my head toward the source of the voice and saw a worn-out man with long black hair tied up in a bun. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. "Where am I?" I inquired, examining his gruff appearance. "You're at UA High School," he answered in a gruff and weary tone.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, attempting to make sense of what he had said. "What happened?" I asked with a tired tone in my voice. "A villain attacked you. By the time a hero arrived, your quirk had been activated, making it difficult to apprehend the villain," he explained. As he spoke, I tried to recall the events that led to my current state. However, my mind was still foggy, and I couldn't put the pieces together.

"How are you feeling?" he inquired. "Tired," I replied, still feeling utterly drained and worn out until realization smacked me in the face. "My quirk activated?" I asked, and he nodded before replying. "Yes, it did, and I must say your quirk is very strong. It's like nothing I've ever seen before." I looked at him very confused " How every time I tried to activate it nothing ever happened," I explained trying to figure things out. "What do you mean nothing ever happened?" the man asks.

"When I wanted to train and get an understanding of what I could do I was never able to activate it and when I needed to use it I was never able to defend myself." I looked at my hands and tried to activate my quirk again yet nothing. happened once again. 

"What were you feeling when you were back under the bridge?"  The question courted me off guard  as I looked back and him.  All I remember is feeling frustrated and frightened but also determined". I take the determination and focus on activating my quirk. I could see a crystal starting to farm I was in pure fasination. "it just takes the right shove in the right direction." The gruff man says he seemed pleased. 

"Okay kid , my name is Shota Aizawa, Now if you don't mind I have a few questions your Izuku Midoriya correct?"The man now known as Shota Aizawa  asked. I nod andweing his question "Yeah, thats me," I say.

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