Chapter 1 - The Appointment

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The morning sun had just started to peek through the windows of the small, cozy apartment. The sound of small footsteps echoed through the hallway as a young boy ran towards his mother's room. "Momma, momma wake up! We're going to the doctor today!" he exclaimed, jumping onto his mother's bed. "Izuku, we still have a few things to do before we leave," his mother replied gently.It was now about nine in the morning, and the young boy and his mother were on their way to Izuku's eagerly anticipated appointment. The young boy was beyond excited to find out what his quirk was, and his mother couldn't help but feel proud of her son's enthusiasm and curiosity. As they arrived at the doctor's office, Inko signed them in and Izuku went to play with the toys in the waiting room. The room had a few other children playing in it, including a young girl with pink skin and yellow horns. A smile spread across her face as she approached Izuku. "Would you like to play with the trains with me?" she asked. Izuku nodded eagerly, and the two played together until the girl was called out of the room.After the young girl left, Izuku's name was called, and he ran over to his mother as they went to meet the doctor. They sat in front of the doctor, who began to speak. "Thank you for coming from your last appointment. We did tests to determine your son's quirk, and I have the results," the doctor said. Inko smiled and nodded, ready to hear the news. "Your son has a very unique quirk, and from what you've told me about your own and your husband's quirks, his is different. It's nothing like I've ever seen before. It's an evolving quirk that will grow and change as he gets older, and I'm unsure of what it can and will do," he explained. "I see. Thank you very much for your time, doctor," Inko replied, nodding her head in appreciation. The doctor only nodded in response. "Now, what should we call such a unique quirk?" he asked, looking at the young boy. "Well, you said it's always going to change, right? Maybe Abyss, as it's like an empty void!" Izuku suggested. The doctor looked at him and smiled. "You're quite intelligent, young man. Abyss is a wonderful name for it."The drive home was filled with joy and excitement, as the two sang along to songs that came on the radio. Once they pulled into their driveway and parked the car, Inko smiled at her son, who was happily running around the house. She looked at the photos of Izuku and his father Hitoshi, seeing the similarities between the two. Izuku had inherited his father's hopes and dreams of becoming a hero and protecting anyone in need. Hitoshi had a quote that always stuck with him: "No matter if it's a hero or villain, both are human. Villains weren't born villains; it's the impact of their lives." He once spoke these words, followed by a question. "Do you think even the worst person can change?"

The Evolving Abyss Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant