Remus thinks of himself, a student of human conduct. With boys, he felt a well-regarded scientist who could create a predictable hypothesis that more times than not became a backed up theory. Remus could gauge how they would react and respond to any form of stimulus. With women he couldn't. That's why in this new month he found an anxiety sort of thrill that left him feeling like an ecologist who had discovered a new planet.

Alice reminded him of his mother. She had a quick tongue, and a learned patience to her. Knowing when to bite that tongue to get the reaction she wanted. Remus thought she would be a good therapist or a con woman. Giving him simple advice while never elaborating on herself. He had his original theory as to why, but now in the new year, when he asked about her, she would never give him much. Remus knows now she likes her womanly mystery and thinks it sacred only unlocked from a lover; or in other words Frank was the only one who knew the details of Alice.

Within Lily he found another book whore like himself. Being gifted a joy only known to a learner. The prize of another's perspective on a topic he formulated so many opinions on; his books.

In Mary, it was leisurely. Though the girls are rarely seen apart. Two he truthfully knew never left each other's side were Mary and Lily. Even when the other had to use the restroom, they would wordlessly get up and leave together.

When he and Lily would conduct their own Socratic duo seminars on given books. Mary would participate by arguing with either, even though she read none of the literature. And if not giving her first impression of opinion on the snip bits of books she heard, she had some sort of paper near her. Illustrating stories she had thought of or her interpretations of the books she had heard Remus and Lily dispute over.

Marlene was the most unpredictable. Remus noticed how she went through fits of giggles and convivial bullying of whatever friend she had chosen to love the most that day. And then came fits of silence, like something or rather someone had hit the off switch on her emotions. Because of that, Remus and her got along well. Remus had his fits of angry silence with the occasional huffs and then had his chancy bouts of social chatter.

It was silly to Remus that in this school year, the person he saw most was Anastasia. At breakfast they sat together, all their classes were the same, dinners were timely at Hogwarts, so being within the same clique, they were granted to be close.

Remus had read about countless opposites attract couples in his books, but he lacked the confidence to know if that would ever apply to him (in the romantic sense). His friend group was a perfect example. Remus thinks far too much and would reckon himself into a fit of stress just trying to think of a topic he and his crush Anastasia would talk about before he had ever made or rather rekindled a friendship with her.

Remus could identify now the power in opposites relationships. Anastasia didn't talk about her love for charms or ABBA. and Remus didn't need to give details about his current book or Bowie's new album. They could have their own things to talk about.

For a week it was gossiping over Kettleburn, and the apparition teacher Wilkie Twycross supposedly liking each other. The next week, it was playful banter of insulting each other and proclaiming their "hate" for one another, all while smiling the whole time.

After a week it got repetitive so they moved onto, a game Ana had thought of when Remus dropped his wand under their table in Transfiguration and Anastasia had gotten underneath to find it only after taking a long time to get it she realized McGonagall hadn't noticed. Anastasia made Remus time with a conjured watch how long it took for the professor to notice, 6 minutes and 42 seconds. And then deciding she had to beat that for the rest of the week, all while having Remus play too.

Remus had a hard week in those 5 classes with half of it being spent with his crush on her knees in front of him or his tall height practically forcing the sight of her short skirt in front of him, when she bullied him to go underneath the table.

Their best time was 12 minutes and 32 seconds. And the game only ended after McGonagall caught Anastasia's hand in Remus's hair, pushing him further underneath the desk. They spent a night in detention dusting the potion bottles for inappropriate play during class. Which all their friends took all too wrong when they heard the reason for their punishment.

Authors Note:

I am excited for this chapter and just allborating more on the girls. They make me happy and I just wanted to make sure they get a lot of shine in this story even though Remus is the main character. With the amount of MaryLily I read I also am just so obsessed with my girlfriends.

Also in the second half of fifth year I have planned only three more chapters after this one so the first summer of this story should be soon! I am also super happy that during the summer time Anastasia will more so switch to being my main character.

I just want more of her and i don't know if I have done enough with her and I feel really bad about it idk. I am gonna try and do a full read through of the story soon to see if I feel like she just feels like a love interest which is how I think she comes off at the moment. Of course that was slightly intended as i wanted to switch my focus between her and Remus throughout the era's of this story but idk i feel like i haven't done my girl enough justice

like do you guys think Ana's character is flat compared to others?


I honestly thought in my unintentional break the story would be stagnant and lose what little rankings it had but omg it has had one really good hashtag that has kept with in #20's for a few weeks. Thank you to anyone who votes, comments, adds to their reading list (I see you) and of course to the readers.

NEXT CHAPTER (already written) SATURDAY

has anyone been playing and watching stupid amounts of zelda tears of the kingdom? I was literally raised on zelda it's the only thing I can thank my father for.

has anyone been playing and watching stupid amounts of zelda tears of the kingdom? I was literally raised on zelda it's the only thing I can thank my father for

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Date Posted: June 15th, 2023

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