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Nobody moved, nobody said anything and nobody could even comprehend what had just happened.

"What the fuck," I whispered to myself and those three words triggered a volcano of questions and statements from everyone in the group.

"Who was that?" Tara.

"Do you know her?" Devyn.

"What does she mean 'psychic'?" Kat.

"How did she get your number?" Corey.

"Can we get McDonalds?" Jake.

The questions kept coming, drowning me in confusion and slight fear.

"Listen, I-I don't know who that was or what the fuck she meant by 'psychic'... but what I do know is that I also want McDonalds," I said as I walked out the door and towards the front parking area. "So let's go eat."

"Yay!" I heard Jake celebrate before he skipped pass me and into the first car he saw — which happened to be the white Tesla.

I decided to hop in the back with Jake while Sam and Kat joined us. Kat plugged her phone into the aux and the first song I heard was 'Flowers' by Miley Siris.

As the song played, I rested my arm on the door, leaning my head onto my hand. To be completely honest with myself, the only reason I agreed to go to McDonalds was to 1, think about the previous phone call I had, and 2... well all I really wanted to do was to overthink about the words that were ringing in my ear like an annoying fly.

The car ride felt longer than it really was, but once we got inside the building I realized how hungry I really was.

"Hi there, what can I get for you?" the kind lady at the till asked Jake.

After everyone ordered Kat, Tara, Dev and I went to find a booth to sit at while the boys waited for the food.

"Hey, C." Kat grasped my shoulder gently as Tara and Dev settled into the seats of the booth we had claimed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine," I responded but Kat gave me the look. "I'm serious, Kat. I'm okay..."

"C... you know you can talk to me right?"

But I couldn't...

"Of course. I just don't really feel like talking right now, kay?" my voice was nothing over a whisper as I tried to hold in my voice crack.

Kat gave me the most sincere expression, and it almost made me confess, but I held it in and gave her the most convincing smile I could muster without giving my true feelings away.

"The food has arrived!" Jake held up the tray holding his 'McGang-bang' and coca-cola.

"Thank god!" Tara said as she immediately claimed her food and started to eat right away.

I claimed my spot in the large booth between Colby and Kat. Colby handed me my chicken burger and sprite and I gladly ate it all. I even stole some of his chicken nuggets, but he'll never know.

When I had finished my meal — and half of Colby's chicken nuggets — I rested my head on Colby's shoulder. It may sound dumb but after today, I was pretty tired — and not in a sleeping way, but in a mental way. My brain was tired of thinking the same things over and over again and I just wanted this whole thing to stop.

The only question I could ask myself now was, 'what the fuck'.

I felt Colby's arm move and he pulled me closer to him so I was practically sitting on his lap. My legs were tucked into my chest as my head rested in the crook of his neck. His arm was wrapped around my waist while his other hand rested on my thigh.

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