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I awoke to the sound of quiet whispering and the rustling of sleeping bags. As I opened my eyes, I could see the dark colour of the morning sun that had not quite fully risen. I tried to move but two arms pulled me back down by the waist.

A groan rumbled from underneath me and I smiled to myself, closing my eyes once more and relishing in the sound of the morning birds outside.

I sighed in content as I heard another sleeping bag shuffle and a quiet yawn.

I lifted my head and saw that Jake was awake. He looked around tiredly before he made eye contact with me and smiled a tired smile.

I smiled back and that's when I realized that Kat and Dev were also awake. They both smiled at me and Jake before sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

"Morning," Jake whispered in his sleepy voice.

"Morning," we all whispered back before I heard Jake's stomach growl.

He looked around before reaching over Corey's sleeping body and stealing a granola bar from his bag. He gave us a cheeky smile before opening it, obnoxiously loud I might add.

The sound of the wrapper made Corey furrow his eyebrows in his sleep and he rolled over to face Jake before peaking his eye open.

Jake looked down at him with a mouthful of granola and greeted Corey with a muffled; "morning brother," spitting granola chunks onto his face.

Corey scrunched his face up in disgust and brushed it off with his hand. I could tell he had no idea what was going on because his eyes could barley stay open and he wasn't saying anything.

Corey groaned before rubbing his eyed and yawning. He sat up and looked around before meeting eyes with a smiling Jake. Corey, still not realizing what was happening, smiled back.

"Morning brother," Corey greeted back while Kat, Dev and I tried to stifle our laughs. "can I have some?"

Jake looked down at the granola bar in his hands and then back at Corey, sadly shaking his head. "it's my last one..."

I couldn't hold it in anymore as I let my laughter bubble out of my throat. I turned my face into Colby's chest, trying to stifle the loud cackles, but all I did was wake him up.

"Hmm?" he said as he looked down at me. "What?"

I looked up at him, my cheeks sore from smiling so much, and shook my head before placing my head back onto him.

He held me close and slowly, he came to his senses and sat up, still cradling me in his lap. Corey was still confused on why the girls were laughing at him and he looked to Colby for help.

"What? Why are you guys laughing?!" Corey kept repeating before looking to Jake and asking the same thing. "Why are they laughing?!"

Jake shrugged before taking another bite of the granola bar. That only made us girls bust out in another fit of laughter.

I held my stomach as a tear slipped out of my eye and then I heard Sam's voice.

"What the fart?" he said and that got Colby laughing.

By the time Jake had finished the granola bar, everyone was awake and laughing except for Corey who was still very much confused.

"Okay, I'm sick of this! Why the fuck are y'all laughing at me?" Corey yelled, pure annoyance in his voice.

I had to pull myself together and I slowly sat up, whipping tears from my face as I did so.

"Corey." his head snapped over to look at me and he raised his eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. "That was your granola bar."

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