Chapter five

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The next day Adelaine was still stuck in her mind and Kaz had decided to move her to Inej's room while he was getting the last plans ready so that Nina could watch over her. He was worried about her but he wasn't scared yet, her episodes had lasted longer before - although he did need to get her back before the mission. The memories flashed through the blonde's head, each one trapping her and making it impossible to escape back to reality.

Suddenly, Inej woke up making Nina look up from where she had been drowsing on a stool tucked into the corner by the table, Inej's hand grasped loosely in her own, Adelaine curled up on the chair next to her.

"Nina," Inej croaked. Her throat felt like it was coated in wool.

Nina jolted awake. "I'm up!" she blurted, then peered blearily at Inej. "You're awake." She sat up straighter. "Oh, Saints, you're awake!" And then Nina burst out crying. Inej tried to sit up, but could barely lift her head. "No, no," Nina said. "Don't try to move, just rest."

"Are you okay?"

Nina started to laugh through her tears. "I'm fine. You're the one who got stabbed. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's just so much easier to kill people than take care of them." Inej blinked, and then they both started laughing. "Owwww," groaned Inej. "Don't make me laugh. That feels awful."

Nina winced. "How do you feel?"

"Sore, but not terrible. Thirsty."

Nina offered her a tin cup full of cold water. "It's fresh. We had rain yesterday."

Inej sipped carefully, letting Nina hold her head up. "How long was I out?"

"Three days, almost four. Jesper is driving us all crazy. I don't think I've seen him sit still for more than two minutes together." She stood up abruptly. "I need to tell Kaz you're awake! We thought—"

"Wait," Inej said, grabbing for Nina's hand. "Just ... can we not tell him right away?"

Nina sat back down, her face puzzled. "Sure, but—"

"Just for tonight." She paused. "Is it night?"

"Yes. Just past midnight, actually."

"Do we know who came after us at the harbour?"

"Pekka Rollins. He hired the Black Tips and the Razorgulls to keep us from getting out of Fifth Harbour."

"How did he know where we were leaving from?"

"We're not sure yet."

"I saw Oomen—"

"Oomen's dead. Kaz killed him."

"He did?"

"Kaz killed a lot of people. Rotty saw him go after the Black Tips who had you up on the crates. I believe his exact words were, 'There was enough blood to paint a barn red.'"

Inej closed her eyes. "So much death." They were surrounded by it in the Barrel. But this was the closest it had ever come to her.

"He was afraid for you."

"Kaz isn't afraid of anything."

"You should have seen his face when he brought you to me. Or well, he was going to bring you to me but then Adelaine passed out."

"I'm a very valuable investment."

Nina's jaw dropped. "Tell me he didn't say that."

"Of course he did. Well, not the valuable part."


"How's Matthias?"

"Also an idiot."

It was then that Inej noticed Adelaine and how she was sitting completely still, Inej could barely see her breathing.

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