Chapter 16

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you want to enjoy this chapter more, listen to this song after u read it or while you read it, it describes very well what Marinette wants to convey to Felix in this chapter <3

Felix's eyes widened. Marinette, seeing that reaction, made herself understand.

-When I was little, I used to have many nightmares, my parents couldn't come to comfort me because they were so tired from working all day that it was impossible for them to wake up, after waking up from fear, I could spend hours crying, totally alone, and wishing that there were someone next to me hugging me.

-Really or is it an excuse for us to sleep in each other's arms? Felix said with a playful smile.

Marinette laughed and hit him with the pillow.

-I'm serious! said marinette still laughing

-Well, you like to dance drunk with strangers, you also like to bathe half-naked in an icy river and you have childhood traumas, how many more things do I need to know about you, Marinette?

Marinette smiled

-You could write a whole book with the things you don't know about me, Felix

After saying that, she winked at him and got up going to bed.

Felix whispered, so low she didn't even hear him.

-I hope one day I can know so much about you to write hundreds of books.

Immediately afterwards, he got up, heading to the bed with her.

Now the two of them were lying on the bed, keeping their distance, they were silent for a few seconds, a comfortable silence.

Marinette broke that silence.

-You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but... what was the nightmare about?

Felix expected that question, and it was probably someone else asking, he would remain silent, but he decided to answer her.

-Well, it's a recurring nightmare, it's about my father, who has been "worm food" for a  more than a year...

Marinette tried to pretend that the last sentence hadn't surprised her, but Felix noticed her reaction anyway.

-I know it's not the nicest way to say that your father is dead but the truth is that I don't feel any shame when saying it, my father was a fucking monster, he was psychologically mistreating me all my life, well, me...and my mother...

Marinette noticed how Felix saying that his mother was also a victim of his father hurt him,more than anything, but she decided not to say anything and let him finish.

-In this nightmare, I tried to get his attention and he ignores me, he just reads a newspaper, but there comes a time when he yells at me and...
Felix could not contain himself and began to cry.

Marinette broke the distance when she saw the first tear drop from his face.

That was the first hug she gave him.

And,right there,in that hotel room.

They both realized that they didn't want it to be the last.

Felix shed a couple more tears before speaking again, Marinette simply remained resting her head on his chest, listening to him in silence.

-In this nightmare..I couldn't talk... or shout... and he... just smiled.

The tears just fell from his eyes and Marinette began to caress his hair, before gelled,and now soft and with little curlers, these, one of the things that she noticed that he did not share with Adrien, whose hair was
wavy, but without little curls in it.

Felix spoke again through tears, but this time, with an angry tone.

-You know what is the worst? that even though he treated me and my mother horrible, I was always trying to get his attention, knowing all the chess moves to win, being the youngest kid to graduate from high school or whatever fucking shit that would show that I was this fucking prodigy kid and even so, he didn't even look at me, just to yell at me.

Marinette still with her head on his chest, looked at him and broke his silence.

- I don't know what to say, just sincerely,fuck him,even if he is two meters underground.

Felix gave a small smile when he heard her  answer and looked back at her, putting his arm around her, hugging her.


Fuck him.

And after sending him to fuck, as if it were magic,Felix never have any  nightmares again of his father.

Author's note!

Hello, I'm already on vacation, so by popular request and for all the support you've given, I'm back!

This time trying to write daily, I don't know how long it will last,because I haven't even thought of an ending and I plan to extend it as long as I can!

Changing the subject, those of you who have been active watching the TV Show

Spoiler Alert!

What do you think of the new couple of Felix and Kagami? The truth is, I'm a multishipper, so I'm a big fan of the love square, even loving

Even though I think that the couple itself has been a bit forced, I really like it. and you, what do you think? (Always with respect pls <3)

Have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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