How the Tables Have Turned

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One would imagine that a new student, let alone a foreign exchange student, would be bursting at the seams with nerves upon entering a state of the art elite hero school.

But much to everyone's surprise, and Bakugou's frustration, the new student was far from that.

You walked around like you owned the place. Head up in the air, poised smile on your face, elegant posture as you sashay to each class. It didn't take long for you to make friends, and it took much less time to make an enemy.

Anytime you entered the room Bakugou's hair would rise, just your presence alone got a reaction out of him. You were the only person in that room who wasn't rightfully terrified of him. He'll never forget when he first shot you a glare in the hallway; you didn't squeak or avoid his gaze like the normal extras do.

No, you giggled. Those striking eyes of yours sweetly kept their focus on his menacing glare and you let out the most angelic giggle his ears have ever heard. He couldn't describe what feeling came next, like his face was melting and his chest was going to explode, but he knew he didn't like it.

Not at all.

You had to be toying with him, right? Trying to manipulate and get him under your skin so you could control him somehow, definitely.

That's the only possible explanation as to why you would flip that perfect hair of yours over your shoulder and give him the most adoring expression as you asked to borrow a pencil. Or why anytime he passed you he would smell that sickeningly sweet perfume that always seemed to follow you around.

It was all a game to you, and Bakugou didn't like losing.

For once he wanted to see that stupidly composed stature of yours fall apart. He wanted to see those pretty lips of yours part in surprise as and those round cheeks flush, catching you completely off guard and bringing you down to Earth.

Of course you had an advantage, one that made his teeth grind at the thought, you were a part time model outside of your hero work. Any insult Bakugou could possibly mutter fell off his tongue before he could even mutter it, not even sure how he could come for such an untouchable force.

You had to know what you were doing, what else could explain the overwhelming heat in his chest anytime you were in the same room with him? You needed to be knocked down a peg, put in your place. He wasn't sure how, but it was his only goal these past few weeks.

Bakugou felt his teeth grit as he realized his thoughts had been plagued by you this entire class, not even realizing his own scheming mind until Aizawa dismissed class.

The sound of a loud huff beside you caused your head to perk up, your eyes glancing to the blond student beside you with a small pout to your lip.

Much to your surprise, your transition to this new school had been nearly seamless. It took you no time to make friends, and you really felt like this could be your new home away from home.

But, there was one box still left unchecked: Katsuki.

The second you met him he was already looking at you with disgust, you weren't sure what it was you could have done, but you tried your best to remain as sweet as possible. The last thing you wanted was to make an enemy in a school full of powerhouses like this. A situation like that could jeopardize your hero and modeling career.

Beyond a strategic standpoint, there was another... more emotional roadblock that had your heart sink. Katsuki was one of the most beautiful people you've ever laid your eyes upon. Even if you wanted to feel frustration towards his behavior, you couldn't. Anytime you would catch his normally tense face in a more neutral state, you couldn't help yourself from stopping to stare.

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