IV | Street Racer

Start from the beginning

As long as I have Sage with me, I'll be fine.

"Don't worry about picking me up, Vaughn. I'll have a ride home." She met his eyes in the rearview mirror, and exited before he could contest or open the door for her.

The smell of marijuana greeted Halle first, followed by the fruity liquor on Sage's breath.

She winked at the corset top. "Damn, titties galore, huh?"

"Says the one without a bra," Halle returned, flicking her friend's left boob and Sage laughed, covering her own chest with her arms.

"Eww." Sameer scrunched his face. "Let's get back to the other side. I put some more money on the second rematch."

"Rematch between who?" Halle shuffled forward, averting her eyes away from the tall men staring down at her, and slipping her hand into Sage's.

"The Fontaine brothers and the Grillos. I gotta get my $50 from the idiots who thought that things would go their way," Sameer explained. "Shit, maybe I'll even get $100. Taz is getting smoked so bad, he's sweating out his dye."

"Ok," she simply responded.

Whoever they are.

He led the women through the crowd with Sage in the middle, and Halle released a sigh of relief when the air cleared of the motorcyclist's sweat.

Two sports cars rested a little down the road from them, the owners clearly in a one-sided, heated discussion. The guy getting the most worked up had veins popping out of his neck and if his skin weren't so melanated, his face would've been as red as his hair. 

Halle recognized the other one as the man from the Froyo spot. He was dressed casually, with the jewelry around his neck and on his fingers being a true indicator of his financial status. Well, that and the new-aged mustang.

Chiko twisted a toothpick in his mouth, seemingly bored with the entire ordeal. "It's over. Run me my shit so I can get the fuck on."

"Man, fuck that! Let's go again! Triple or nothing this time," the redhead shouted, and his gang of four other men nodded their agreement behind him.

"You think third time's a charm, huh?" Chiko chuckled emptily, throwing the wooden pick onto the ground. "Alright, hold up."

He turned his back to the men to speak with Izzy, who watched his brother's back all the while.

Sameer sucked his teeth. "I already know how this is gonna go. I'll be right back."

He slinked away, leaving the women chatting amongst themselves, and the rest of the audience bumbling with anticipation as both groups of racers privately discussed the details.

"So now he and his dad are talking again." Sage sighed. "I'm so happy for him."

"Good for Brez!" Halle exclaimed. "It's always nice to work things out with family."

"I know right." She smiled. "Since he's been on this whole inner work thing with his therapist, he's healed a lot of trauma that his folks caused, and our relationship has been damn near... perfect. I can't wait until he gets home."

"Honestly, I've been thinking a lot about seeing a therapist myself. I need to learn how to be more... independent. I rely on Ro too much emotionally, I think."

"Oh, girl please." Sage narrowed her eyes. "If you're talking about being rightfully upset because he's always flaking on you, then cut it out!"

Halle offered a closed mouth smile, but kept her words to herself. Sage never understood Rowan's actions and she didn't care to pretend like she did. Unlike Halle, who always tried to hear him out even if he wasn't saying anything.

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