Chapter 10: The Sayuri

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In. Madarame's Art Exhibit – After School

While Akira and Ryuji are busy exercising, Ann is attending Madarame's art exhibit, where she expects to find Yusuke helping out. Ann walks to the admissions counter and purchases a ticket, before heading into the exhibit to get a view of all of the paintings that are on display. There are tons of different paintings, each displaying their own message or theme; one catches her attention immediately and it's a painting of a beautiful woman with long dark hair, with tree branches in the background. Before Ann can study the painting any further, Yusuke startles her by starting to talk about the painting she is looking at.

Yusuke Kitagawa: It's a marvelous artwork, isn't it?

Ann Takamaki: What...oh...yeah...something about it just seems...

Yusuke Kitagawa: Off?

Ann Takamaki: Huh?

Yusuke Kitagawa: Every time I see this painting, I always discover something new but...I can't help but feel, to this day, that something is off about it to me...almost like it's hiding its true message from me. I guess, that's what makes it such an interesting piece to so many.

Ann Takamaki: What is it?

Yusuke Kitagawa: It's called "the Sayuri"; it's Madarame's most popular piece of artwork ever since he made is comeback, years ago. It's also, my personal favorite of his...I guess you could say I'm obsessed with it.

Ann Takamaki: It is really beautiful; do you know who the woman in the painting is?

Yusuke Kitagawa: I...I don't; Sensei doesn't tell me much about his creative process. To be honest, Ann, I'm surprised to see you here; after our last encounter, I didn't think I'd be seeing you again, let alone, this soon.

Ann Takamaki: Well, I...felt bad about the way I left things with the boys last time; I'm sorry if they made you feel uncomfortable.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I suppose I was a bit short-tempered, myself...I can't put all of the blame on them, even though they provoked me. Does...does this mean you have given the nude painting more thought?

Ann Takamaki: WHAT?! I don't think I'm ready for that, yet.

Yusuke Kitagawa: There's no need to rush...I don't want to make you do anything that you're not comfortable doing.

Ann notices another painting and makes her way towards it; Yusuke follows her and, immediately, seems uncomfortable when he gets a glimpse of what painting she is looking at. It's a painting a young boy with a large shadow behind him; the boy in the painting is writing something in a notebook.

Ann Takamaki: This painting feels so...dark...that shadow...the one behind it supposed to be his own shadow?

Yusuke Kitagawa: Oh...uh...that painting is a bit weird...we don't have to look at that one; here, there's another painting over here that I would like to show you. I think you'll really like it!

Yusuke pulls Ann away from the painting she is looking at to show her another one; this painting is of a stunning sun set, consisting of several bright, warm, colors.

Ann Takamaki: This painting...the's so beautiful.

Yusuke stares at Ann.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Yes, it is, isn't it?

Ann looks in Yusuke's direction and he looks away from her.

Ann Takamaki: Are you alright, Yusuke; when I was looking at that last painting, you seemed...

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