Chapter Ten

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Vali woke up before Serenity, and he frowned when he saw the bruises on her neck. She woke up, and she smiled at him. "You need to sleep more." Vali kissed her stomach. "I'm going to make breakfast for you and our child!" With that sentence, Serenity had a bad feeling in her stomach. Vali can't cook worth a shit. Serenity was glad that Persiphyna took after her mother's intelligence and learned quickly. Serenity got up, and she almost collapsed. She leaned against the wall and sat at the top of the stairs. She would go down the stairs like her daughter does. Serenity made it down the stairs, and she limped to the kitchen. She sat on the island and waited for Vali to either mess up or turn around. She noticed Daemon come and sit next to her. He checked her throat and gave her a vile or something red. Serenity drank in, and then both of them watched Vali. The silver haired boy turned around and screamed at the sight of not one but two people sitting at the island. The dragon felt the fear, and he slightly got stronger.

"Hello, White Dragon Emperor."

"Hello, Daemon." Vali looked at Serenity, and he growled. "You're supposed to be in bed."

"Yeah? And all you can cook is instant ramen." Serenity hissed. "It's bad that our three year old daughter can cook more than you." Serenity got up, and she pulled the eggs out. "All right, Vali. It's time for you to learn how to cook."

"Little One." Serenity turned towards Daemon, who kissed her softly. Serenity froze, and so did Vali.

"You're in love with her." Vali whispered. Serenity backed up at the sight of the two glaring at each other.

"And you're the one who almost got her killed." Daemon hissed.

"She's taken."

"She's a hybrid. She's going to want multiple mates. It's in her instincts." Daemon hissed. "It's a basic instinct."

"Vali." Serenity dragged the boy to the living room. "Let's take a breather. Listen, I know where Daemon is coming from."

"So you're in love with him too!" Vali yelped as his face went to the side.

"Vali Lucifer." Serenity hissed. "I'm going to tell you something. Daemon is right." Serenity whispered. "But I want you to see it from his perspective. He is literally the embodiment of fear." Serenity whispered. "Everyone is terrified when you meet him. Which means that he's never had a mate." Vali started to understand. "So when someone is completely immune to his fear magic and it's a female nonetheless, he's going to get attached." With that, Vali felt extremely bad. This entire time, Daemon had no one. He sighed and dragged Serenity towards the kitchen.

"We can share her." Vali sighed. "But that's it." Serenity yelped as Daemon hugged her. He was smelling her scent, and Serenity hummed.

"Why would you share her?" Daemon asked.

"Two reasons, one she likes you too. The second one is we both can protect her when the other one can't."

"Vali." Daemon whispered.

"Please don't kiss." Serenity groaned. With that sentence, the two dragons just looked at her.

"I'm not into boys." Daemon hissed.


"Yes Vali?"

"We have a kid together."

"Let's just teach Vali how to cook." Serenity whispered. Daemon shrugged, and he understood where Serenity was coming from.


Serenity sighed as Vali started to cook. His burnt contraptions were on the table, and Vali was trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Serenity was about to give up on teaching Vali when he placed a perfectly intact grilled cheese in front of her. Serenity took a bite, and she sighed in relief. "You did well." Serenity hummed.

"I can cook dinner now." Vali said smugly.

"No, you can't." Serenity hissed. "You can help me make dinner." Vali pouted. Serenity stood up. "Come on. We're going to the store." She went upstairs and got dressed and wrapped bandages around her neck. She went downstairs and saw Daemon and Vali ready. She put her shoes on, and they went to fetch ingredients.

"So what are you making?"

"Pan fried chicken stew." Serenity hummed as she got the ingredients. She paid, and they were off. Serenity started to pan fry the chicken, and Vali cut up the vegetables. She started to fry the veggies in the same pot. She finished, and she placed them in a pot. Vali placed the chicken in, and Serenity started to make the creamy broth using the same pan to give it flavor. Daemon's mouth was watering, and so was Vali's. She placed the lid on it and turned it to low.

"It smells so good." Vali moaned.

"And now we let it simmer for a few hours." Serenity hummed.


"Mommy!" Persi giggled as she ran towards her mother. Serenity picked the child up and carried her towards the kitchen. She opened the pot, and Persi giggled. "It smells so good, Momma."

"Your daddy helped."

"Daddy can't cook."

"He can, but he just needs to learn."

"Yeah. I can cook grilled cheese!"

"I doubt that your burnt grilled cheeses count." Daemon hummed. With that, Persi giggled as she ran to the dragon. Daemon picked her up.

"Did you confess to Momma!?" Persi asked.

"Persi knew!?" Vali yelled.

"Vali. You were the only one who didn't." Serenity hummed as she kissed Daemon's cheek.

"Really!?" Vali collapsed, and Persi jumped down from Daemon's arms. She pulled on her father's hair as she jumped around him.

"You're so oblivious, Vali." Azazel hummed as he went to steal a bite.

"Azazel." Daemon warned. The fallen angel stopped, and a timer went off.

"Dinner is done!" Serenity started to ladle soup in bowls, and everyone sat down.

"Mommy, your cooking is amazing!" Persi giggled as she had food all over her face.

"Persi." Serenity sighed as she wiped her daughter's face.

The Kitsune and The Half Demon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora