Proposals: Shin Soukoku, Soukoku

115 3 36

This is really messy and stupid and could be so much better but who caresss

It's a oneshots book

Time to go wild🫡

Chuuya found Akutagawa in the usual bar after work.

The black haired boy was sipping at something that was surprisingly light, compared to what he would drink on a normal day. But today was different, since—

"How did it go?" Chuuya asked, sliding onto the chair beside Akutagawa.

Akutagawa lowered the cup, the corners of his ordinarily unsmiling lips quirking upwards with a happiness he couldn't conceal. "He said yes."

Chuuya clapped Akutagawa on the back, and called for a glass of wine. "What was his reaction?"

"Uh, he cried," Akutagawa said, looking a little exasperated. "A lot."

Chuuya snorted. "Sounds about right."

He'd been a bit skeptical at first. Nakajima Atsushi seemed too bright and happy to be with someone like Akutagawa, who killed everyone in his path. And then Chuuya had started to understand that behind Atsushi's smile was the same trauma that every ability user held, the fear of abandonment and the painful past that no one ever wanted to recall.

When he'd discovered the torturous days the tiger had gone through during his upbringing, his next doubt was whether Akutagawa, the broken Akutagawa, could love Atsushi. Or if someone like Atsushi, who was dead set against murder, could fall in love with a murderer.

Next thing he knew, Akutagawa was constantly asking him for relationship advice as the relationship between the emo Port Mafia member and the tiger (cat) of the Armed Detective Agency kicked off. It was . . . truly an experience.

Chuuya now pitied Hirotsu for all the shit he and Dazai had put the man through.

Akutagawa and Atsushi's relationship was turbulent and really hard to predict. It would be going fine, and then they'd suddenly be at each other's throats for almost no reason at all. It was crazy and sweet and maybe a little bit cruel at certain places, and it reminded Chuuya of his relationship with Dazai so much that it hurt sometimes. (Shin Soukoku's relationship also became the reason for Soukoku's getting back together, a few months in).

Now, he was sitting here in the bar after Akutagawa had proposed to Atsushi—and gotten a yes.

"Time flies, huh?" Chuuya remarked, running a gloved finger over the rim of the glass the bartender handed him.

Whether it was because of the wine or Atsushi's influence, which had slowly exerted itself over Akutagawa and thawed his cold, ice prince heart, Akutagawa was a little sentimental today. "It certainly does."

"How did you get him to stop crying?" Chuuya asked, casting Akutagawa a sideways glance as he took a sip of his drink.

"I told him a joke," Akutagawa said awkwardly. "It was a really bad one."

Was he blushing? Chuuya made sure to engrave the image into his memory, cursing himself for not having a camera.

"What did you say?" Chuuya questioned, suddenly reminded of the really shitty but super cute proposal he'd received from Dazai.

Akutagawa averted his gaze, the tips of his ears flushing red. "I asked him if this meant he was going to be 'Akutagawa Atsushi' now, and said it was a funny-sounding name."

Chuuya couldn't help the laughter that escaped his lips. "And what did he said to that?"

"He told me that I'd have to be Nakajima Ryuunosuke, because there was no way he was ever going to be able to introduce himself to someone with a name like that."

Tachihara, who'd somehow snuck up behind them to hear the last part of their conversation, playfully elbowed the laughing Chuuya. "You can't speak, Dazai Chuuya," the gold-eyed ginger said, taking a seat beside Akutagawa. "Everyone calls Dazai by his last name, so it sounds like someone's just talking about Soukoku every time your full name comes up in conversations."

Chuuya ordered Tachihara a beer. "Shut up and drink."

Tachihara obeyed, and the three criminals spent a good few hours in the bar. Most of the conversation consisted of Akutagawa and Chuuya complaining (lovingly) about their partners and Tachihara snickering at them but pretending to be annoyed.

Atsushi walked into the ADA office building the day after Akutagawa had proposed to him, still overwhelmed about the whole thing but also very excited. He opened the door, took a deep breath, and said—

"You're getting married," Ranpo remarked.

Atsushi pouted. "Ranpo-san!!"

Everyone was frozen in place. Yosano's pen clattered to the floor.

The doctor walked across the room in literally four strides, grabbing Atsushi's shoulders and shaking him excitedly. "Is it Akutagawa? It's Akutagawa, isn't it?! You're getting married to Akutagawa!"

She squealed, spinning him around, and then pulled him into a hug.

Atsushi leaned into it, moved by the alien but welcome motherly gesture. "It's not Akutagawa anymore," he said, as he pulled away. "He's going to be a Nakajima."

The rest of the ADA members started to overcome their shock, and they all surrounded Atsushi, pestering him with questions and admiring the ring on his finger. Much to Atsushi's surprise, Kunikida cancelled all of their morning plans just to throw a party.

For the first time since the whole incident with the Decay of Angels and the Book, the detectives had a peaceful moment together. Or, as peaceful as they could get. The point was that they were all together, without any (known) threats to deal with.

Kenji whipped up a cake out of nowhere, Dazai dialed his husband and told him to grab a few Port Mafia members and bring them to the ADA building for the party, and Yosano somehow managed to decorate the place using streamers that she forced Kunikida to make out of his notebook. Fukuzawa brought out a bunch of yukatas, and everyone managed to get changed right about the time the Port Mafia pulled up.

Fukuzawa forced them to dress up too, and Dazai nearly fainted at the sight of Chuuya in a yukata. (There was a lot of laughter and teasing as the brunette swooned, and Chuuya rolled his eyes before kissing him).

Atsushi and Akutagawa both shifted uncomfortably as everyone watched them intently, like they were zoo animals about to perform some kind of trick.

"My poor protegees are growing up!" Dazai said, wiping his eyes dramatically. "Oh, I could cry!"

"Protegee, singular," Akutagawa corrected. "I think I'm fine with being Chuuya-san's protegee."

Dazai straightened, instantly getting serious. "It's good to see you've matured, Akutagawa."

From behind Dazai, a half-drunk Chuuya shouted, "He's only saying cool things because he's trying to hide how hurt he is! Don't let his cold indifference affect you!!"

Akutagawa snickered, Dazai gasped, clutching his chest, and Atsushi gave his fiance a proud smile when he thought the trench-coat wearing Mafia member wasn't looking.

The night had several more developments—Hirotsu gave Shin Soukoku a tapestry, strangely enough, stating that it was Soukoku tradition. Everyone looked between Dazai and Chuuya, who were smirking, and Hirotsu, who was trying to smile but honestly seemed to be traumatized, and decided not to ask.

They all got drunk.

Really drunk.

Except for Dazai, Kyouka, and Kenji—Dazai because at this point, he was practically immune to the effects of alcohol, and Kyouka and Kenji would still be underage for the next few years. The three of them lugged the unconscious Port Mafia members back to their cars, where the poor drivers were passed out from boredom. (Akutagawa and Atsushi were dumped into their shared dorm, and everyone was too drunk to comment when Dazai princess-carried Chuuya to his apartment).

Dazai and Atsushi would both show up to work tomorrow with marks all across their necks and wrists and really chapped lips.

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