"She would never cheat?"(JD)

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Y/n pov

Me and Jaden are bestfriends since i was 6th grade and he was 7th. We kind of know everything about other and tell everything to eachother.

Jaden got a new gf Hailey before a month ago, and shes acting so strange when I'm around them. I wouldn't even be surprised if one day I found out she talks shit about me.

I'm also friends with Haileys brother Luke so I come around often. Luke told me that Hailey usually cheats on boys like they are toys. He saw a few days ago a boy in Haileys room,but it wasn't jaden... it was a boy from a grade older than jaden,Joshua.

Today I was going to hangout with Luke again.

We were in his room and I needed to use the bathroom so I got up and told him where I'm going.

If im going to the bathroom I need to pass Haileys room which was kind of open but you can only see a bit.

But it was enough for me to see she was making out with boy in his lap.

I was coming back to Lukes room and told him what I saw.

Luke:"oh I know,I've seen him before"
Y/n:"since when?"
Luke:"since a month ago"
Y/n:"month ago?!?!?" I can't believe she was cheating from the start

Anyways I told Luke I have to go home but instead I went to see jaden. I need to tell him that Hailey is cheating on him.

I knocked on the door,javon answered giving me a hug.

Javon:"Hey y/n,what brings you here?
Y/n:"I'm actually here to see jaden?is he home?"
Javon:"oh yeah he's in his room"

I knocked on jaden's door and he answered.

Jaden:"Hey Y/n,what's up"
Y/n:"we have to talk"
"So a few days ago when I was at lukes house he told me an info about your new gf Hailey,apparently she's cheater and he saw a boy like about month ago in haileys room and I did to,today"
Jaden:"wait what?who was she cheating with?
Y/n:"well Joshua,they were making out while she was sitting on his lap"
Jaden:"What my Hailey?with Joshua?nah she would never cheat?"
He was furious rn
Y/n:"I swear on my life I saw them"
Jaden:"I think it's time for you to go..."
Y/n:"but i-"
He had already kicked u out of his room not believing you

It was now 5pm

2 hours until Jaden's game

Y/n starts to get ready. Even tho she feels like it would be better if she didn't come but still,she is jadens bestfriend.

30 minutes until jadens game

U were sitting on the bleachers with jadens family u needed to use the restroom. As u were walking in the restroom u heard someone talk.It was Hailey,and she said she can't come?!?!?
She was making out at this point with the boy I caught her today with.

I was about to record it all but jaden was behind me looking at them aswell.

Jaden:"Hailey wtf"
Hailey:"oh my gosh,babe its not what it looks like"
Jaden:"oh it is huh?how would you feel If I made out with someone right infront of you Hailey."
Hailey:"... I- um"

Rn jaden didn't last any longer and grabbed you by your waist and kissed you. You kissed him back and put your hands on his neck. now it was more like making out.

Hailey told them they're over but jaden didn't seem to care,he was actually... enjoying kissing you?


624 words for my lovers

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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