Chapter 10: Save at all cost

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(On the side of Numbuh 274)

Numbuh 274: So they anticipated that these codes were going to be found and they made it a kind of Trojan horse to disadvantage us.

Numbuh 11 (analyzing the source of the DCFDTL call): We especially saw that they have a great knowledge in technology and they could even compete with ours. Besides,... They're holding my sister, her friends, and the other guests hostage.

Herbert: Especially since these DCFDTLs know about the Vanished Sector, Sector Z.

Numbuh 100: Are you sure what you're saying?

Herbert: Yeah, for some reason they know about what happened to them.

Numbuh 11 (finishing search): That's it, I've identified the source of their call and, unsurprisingly, it's from their abode, the Delightful Mansion From Down The Lane. Unfortunately, it is in quarantine mode and entering it directly would be a very bad idea.

Numbuh 274: Then let's use the hamsters! They can help us identify possible pitfalls and secret entrances.

( However,... )

Sid Beatles (seeing his anxious wife): Honey, are you still not in bed?

Mrs Beatles: Wallabee still hasn't come home and it's already 2am.

Sid Beatles: Didn't he call you back to say he'd be sleeping over at those DCFDTL's?

Mrs Beatles: No, exactly. Otherwise, he would have already warned me by phone. Sid, I think something happened out there and you need to call for help.

Sid Beatles: I'm going to call Genki Sanban to find out if that's the case for their daughter as well.

( On the side of Genki and Kani Sanban...)

Genki (awakened by a call): Huh? But who can call me at this hour?:

Kani (listening to the call from the landline): Erf... There's even another call.

Genki: You take care of the landline call, I'll see who's calling on my cell phone. (she picked up the call) Hello?!

Sid Beatles: Genki Sanban? Are you awake?

Genki: I am thanks to your call. What do you want ?

Sid Beatles: Me and my wife would like to know if your daughter has given you any news. We tried for our son but got no response.

Kani (answering the call from the landline): Betty Giligan?

Betty: Oh, you must be Kani, Genki's husband. I was just going to call her to...

Kani: For your son who hasn't heard from you at 2 am? Exactly, Genki is talking with Sid Beatles who has the same problem.

Betty: That's weird because if he wanted to sleep at those DCFDTL's, he could have told us and I hope he didn't get himself into trouble.

Lydia: I told him he would have problems if he ever showed off at those DCFDTLs! This Tommy is going to have a hard time if we meet him!

Tommy: But Grandma, it's me, Tommy.

Betty: Mom, please! Kani, we're going to the Uno. I meet you there ! (she hangs up)

Genki (ending the call): See you at Mr. Uno? All right, we're coming. (she hangs up the call) It was Sid Beatles. He and his wife are worried about their son who hasn't come home and hasn't heard from him. He even asked me to meet them at Mr. Uno's house.

Kani: Same for Betty who called the landline. If their kids have a problem in the DCFDTL's house, that's no exception for Kuki, either. I'm going to wake up Mushi so we can go to the Uno.

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