💫 One 💫

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Seungmin's pov

    I successfully ignored the annoying sound of my alarm clock, but what I couldn't ignore was the splinters of sunlight that slipped through my window.

Grudgingly, I kicked the blanket away from my exhausted body, I had spent all night studying and now I completely regret it.

My feet made contact with the cold ground and the thought of going back to sleep replayed in my head, but I never plan on missing an attendant.

Yawning, I rubbed my sour eyes, swallowing thickly to ease my dry throat. Everything seems to spin slowly as I got up, wobbling towards the bathroom.

Today didn't start right.


The sound of indistinct chatter filled my ears, invading my thoughts as I took out the necessary materials out of my red locker.

The hallway was the same as usual, noisy and filled with students making their way to their various classes, engaging in not so random conversations.

Pushing those unnecessary thoughts aside, I leaned on my locker, waiting for my supposed bestfriend to show up.

I'm pretty much used to him being late and the lame ass excuses he always presents in hopes of escaping the scolding I always keep in my back pocket.

Just when I was about to give up, I turned on my heels, aiming myself towards my first class when I felt a hot liquid burning my skin, through my shirt.

"Watch it, nerd!"

With a scoff, Jun walked past me, brushing his shoulder against mine. Of course I didn't miss the glare he shot me and the mumbling of more unpleasant words.

Its nothing new and I don't think its going anytime soon. I always get told to stand up for myself, but that would only lead to more trouble. I tend to stay away from any form of violence.

I looked at the brown liquid that had stained my shirt. Great, now I have to clean up before heading to class.

So far, I hate today.

- Kim Seungmin- Nerdy- Hates being annoyed but surrounded by annoying people- Don't know how he befriended his best friend- Study, Study, Study

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- Kim Seungmin
- Nerdy
- Hates being annoyed but surrounded by annoying people
- Don't know how he befriended his best friend
- Study, Study, Study

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