Chapter One: Halloween Night

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[3rd Person]

[A small town in the Wizarding World was shown on the screen and then it showed a small cottage on the street. Inside the house, a woman about 21 years of age was holding a small bundle in her arms, a baby wrapped in purple, pink and gold silk and fleece blankets. The woman had tears in her eyes.

The woman's name was Ascella Potter née Black, and she was holding her baby niece in her arms, "Regulus... you are an idiot..."]

"That's me? Why is Astraea with me? Why not my brother? Or her mother, Aphrodite?" Ascella asked in shock.

Aphrodite frowned, "my father Zeus forbids us from involving ourselves in our children's lives because if we involve ourselves, we could put our children in unnecessary danger... Regulus had her for 6 months before..." She trailed off, "and then my sister Artemis brought her to me, and I raised her for 6 months before I had to give her away due to a prophecy..."

The Black Family frowned at Aphrodite's words, before what?

"Oi! Why am I an idiot?!" Regulus yelled at his sister.

"Why would I know? It's the FUTURE, you dunderhead!"

Orion shook his head at his daughter, she was more like her biological mother, and he didn't know if that was a bad thing or a good thing.

[James Potter walked into the living room where his wife was and saw her holding a baby and crying, "Ascella? Beloved Star, what's wrong? Who is the baby?"

"Jamie, it's Reggie... he's..." Ascella tried to say the words but ended up crying more and hugging the child close to her.

Lily Evans, who was adopted by the Potter's after Hogwarts because her parents had passed away and Petunia was nothing but cruel to her sister, walked out of the kitchen with a frown. "James, Regulus is dead..."]

Sirius started to tear up, "No!"

Ascella hugged her older brother tightly as she buried her face into his chest to hide her tears.

Regulus looked at Sirius in surprise, he thought Sirius hated him, and replaced him with James. He abandoned him and Ascella and they got the brunt of Walburga's anger, especially Ascella. Regulus held his sister tightly.

Narcissa covered her mouth in horror and had tears in her eyes. She had a close bond with her cousin and was heartbroken he was dead.

Bellatrix's face remained emotionless, but anger burned in her stormy gray eyes as she was going to kill whoever did that to her cousin.

A sniffle was heard, and everyone looked over to see Astraea with unshed tears in her eyes as she stared forward at the screen. A lady of a pureblood house doesn't show emotion in from for strangers.

"Wait, I live with you and James?" Lily asked curiously trying to break the tension in the room.

Harry nodded, "you're my godmother and you were also my aunt figure as you and mom were really close, Sirius is my godfather.

[James had to hold onto the arm of his chair, Regulus was dead, he and Sirius just started to fix their broken bond. "And... the baby?" He spoke and cleared his throat to keep his emotions in place.

"Her name is Astraea Lysithea Black, Reggie's and Lady Aphrodite's daughter."]


Theo and Blaise glared at the people who shouted.

Daphne frowned as she looked at Astraea and Harry.

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