I Really Am a Slag Shou! Chapter 14

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Tang Size was silent, "So what do you really want to ask me, whether or not you should chase after Qi Yuan?"

Li Yihan was just about to put his wine glass on the table, his finger on the tail of the glass froze momentarily. He raised his head as if nothing had happened, "What Qi Yuan, what thing did I say have to do with Qi Yuan?"

"Don't act like you don't know. The information you just said, the whole country can't find a second pair like you guys." Tang Size glanced at him and paused. He sternly said: "Are you serious?"

Li Yihan remained silent for a moment, then nodded.

Tang Size was immediately surprised, "I've known you for so long, but I didn't expect you to be a kindred spirit ah. I always thought you were asexual."

Li Yihan: "……"

Finding that his eyes were not right and there were signs of imminent anger, Tang Size quickly changed the subject, "You haven't answered me yet. What do you want to do in the end when you told me all this?"

Before Li Yihan could answer, Tang Size guessed: "Are you afraid of being talked about? To be honest, it doesn't matter. You two aren't related by blood. The age difference isn't the same as a real father and son. Even if others talk about it, you also don't need to take it to heart. However, your Li family would probably create a big disturbance. With great difficulty, they finally got you to set up an heir. As a result, you get together with the heir and neither of you can have children."

As he thought of the expressions that those people in the Li family would make when this matter is exposed, Tang Size burst out into peals of laughter.

Li Yihan had also thought of the problem that Tang Size had pointed out before. The original reason why he got involved with Qi Yuan was for the purpose of establishing a false heir. If his relationship with the heir changes, the rest of the Li family will make even more trouble than before. They had already tried to stuff their children over to him like crazy. After having Qi Yuan, they finally stopped. If they came to know about this, his home would be turned into a nursery.

Although this problem is serious, it isn't imminent and there are many ways to solve it.

"Aiyah, what's there to be anxious about, the heir doesn't necessarily have to be a child or a daughter-in-law ah. Qi Yuan is so young, you can teach him slowly." When it came to the last sentence, Tang Size's tone rose slightly, which wasn't very decent when listening to it.

Li Yihan shook his head, "I'm not worried about this."

"Then what are you worried about?"

After a brief silence, he replied: "I also don't know what I'm worried about."

Tang Size felt puzzled. He carefully inquired about some of the details between them again. Once he heard Li Yihan say that Qi Yuan had already admitted that he liked him, Tang Size recalled the boy he saw at the last cocktail party who was obviously very simple-minded.

He seems to understand a little.

"Are you worried that he doesn't really like you?"

Li Yihan raised his eyes and stared at Tang Size. The latter saw that he was interested and began to break it down for him, "You see, Qi Yuan is an orphan and no one cared about him since he was a child. You suddenly appeared when his personality was just beginning to form, which enabled him to lead a stable life, letting him continue to attend school and live the same life as his peers. He would definitely be especially grateful to you, even possibly regard you as a savior. You haven't dealt with people of Qi Yuan's age, so you don't know, at their age, they are neither long-term nor mature enough. They just like whatever they see. Otherwise, why do college students change boyfriends and girlfriends the most frequently?"

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