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A/N - The rest of this book will be in different POVs depending on the character.

Laetitia slept throughout the entire flight, while Isabella, Vanessa, and I engaged in a deep conversation about the ongoing war and how we could possibly put an end to it. We pondered whether this "disease" could be as devastating as the Black plague or even Smallpox. However, considering that the war had been raging for four years already, I predicted that it would take much longer for it to come to a halt. 

 Vanessa expressed her belief that chaos like this wouldn't exist if there were no government or laws in place. However, our mother quickly hushed us, reminding us that we were on an airplane and needed to keep our voices down. 

 Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked our mother if there was a way to cure this disease. She was the only remaining scientist from her group, as the others had been captured and forced to work for the Americans. Unfortunately, those who refused were subjected to slow and torturous deaths. 

Mother admitted that she had no idea how to cure the disease, but she did know that it didn't spread through the air, water, or any other material. Instead, it was transmitted through mosquitoes. 

As we continued our journey, I questioned why we were heading to Greece once again. Vanessa simply replied, "You'll see." Upon our arrival, we were greeted by a grand mansion that resembled a castle, but with even more elegance. And a vast garden in the front.

Before entering the house, Isabella instructed us to remain silent, I couldn't help but wonder why. We rang the doorbell, and a maid welcomed us inside. Marven, who suffered from ataxia, was also with us.

We entered the guest room, which was quite spacious. Marven rang a bell that was placed on the table, and soon after, the maid entered. Surprisingly, it was the same maid who had opened the door for us earlier.

Marven spoke to the maid, saying, "Please show them their room." Which I believe he meant for her to guide us to our sleeping quarters. As Sarah led us to our designated room, I lingered outside the door, eavesdropping on their conversation. They were discussing someone named Alexsandrya or Alex, who apparently is the third child in our family.

"Why would you allow a young girl to join the military!?" Marven exclaimed. "She's only 20 years old. Don't act like you're not scared that she won't come back, just like your husband!"

"You're speaking to me as if I forced her to join the military. I worry every single night and morning that she won't be with us anymore," Mother retorted.

"I know my family better than you do... you know nothing about my family, so don't tell me how to raise my children," Mother responded firmly.

"You couldn't even raise an adopted kid," Marven commented. Adopted kid? Are they talking about me? 

{494 words} 

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