Eternity ✨

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A forest can be seen
Little raindrops were making it more difficult to walk in that muddy forest
   Girl - Kartik are you sure we should go more deep inside the forest

Kartik - yea Rishita , we should go more deep it's so fascinating here I just love these type of things

Rishita - Ok , you are not gonna listen to me anyways come

Kartik - a 17 year old Army officer in Indian army

Rishita - 17 years old Army officer in Indian army

They both are best friends since training days
They've laughed together , they have cried together
Their training days were such beautiful days of their life they can't forget }

(  Right now Kartik  and rishita are in a forest they've came here for camping as they are on leave for few days )

Kartik - Rishi , see the sky it's so beautiful   these shining stars and this beautiful moon , i wish I could spend my entire life like this watching moon

Rishi - then be here who is stopping you , you are anyways like a tribal man 🤣🤣 be here and live your rest of the life here ok


Rishi - it was such a great time when we were together but that  incident changed our life
Why Kartik why
I was so happy but everything shattered 


So now guys that's it for today
I know it's a small chapter but please co operate

Now will meet you in next chapter
Till then bye

Dark lives जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें