"Am I to understand that members of the small council have been planning secretly to install my son without me?" Alicent asks, looking around the table.

"My Queen, there was no need to sully you with darkling schemes."

Vaegon and Viserra both scoff, earning them a glare from Ser Criston.

"I will not have this. To hear that you are plotting to replace the King's chosen heir with an imposter!" Lord Beesbury says, looking at the members of the small council. "Hundreds of lords and landed knights swore fealty to the Princess including Lady Valaena. I wonder why she is not here with us now."

"You heard the Lord Hand. Plot or no, the King changed his mind." Jasper Wylde states.

"I am six-and-seventy years old." Lord Beesbury says, standing from his chair. "I have known Viserys longer than any who sit at this table. And I will not believe that he said this on his deathbed, alone, with only the... the boy's mother as a witness. This is seizure! It is theft! It is treason! At the least, it is-"

"Mind your tongue, Lyman." Grand Maester Orwyle says quietly.

"The King was well last night... by all accounts." Lyman continues as Viserra and Vaegon watch as Ser Criston walks forward to stand behind him. "Which of you here can swear that he died of his own accord?"

"Which of us are you accusing of regicide, Lord Beesbury?" Lord Wylde asks, annoyed.

"Whether it was one of you, or all of you, I care not. I will have no part-"

"Sit down!" Ser Criston yells as he smashes the Lord's head into the table, killing him instantly.

Both Ser Harrold and Vaegon draw their swords as Lord Beesburys blood pools on the table.

Lord Tyland moves out of the way as Ser Harrold walks toward Ser Criston, his sword raised.

"Throw down your sword and remove your cloak, Ser Criston." Ser Criston draws his sword as well, pointing it at Ser Harrold. "I am your Lord Commander, Ser Criston. Cast down your sword."

"I will not suffer insults to Her Grace the Queen." Ser Criston snaps, glaring at Ser Harrold.

"There was no insult to me, Ser Criston. Put aside your blade." At the words of his Queen, Ser Criston immediately lowers his sword.

"Has it come to this?" Ser Harrold asks, coming to stand next to Vaegon and Viserra.

"Lord Commander, enough." Otto says, standing from his chair.

"Let us have Lord Beesbury removed." Grand Maester suggests as Vaegon and Ser Harrold sheath their swords.

"No. The door remains shut until we finish our business." Otto says, coldly, glaring at the Maester until he sits back down.

"What of Rhaenyra?" Viserra asks, drawing the gazes of the small council members to her.

"The former heir cannot, of course, be allowed to remain free and draw support to her claim."

"You mean to imprison her." Alicent mutters to her father.

"She and her family will be given the opportunity to publicly swear obeisance to the new king." Otto informs her.

Alicent scoffs, shaking her head. "She will never bend the knee. Nor will Daemon, which you know." Alicent looks at the members of the small council for a moment before turning back to her father. "You plan to kill them. And all here accede to this."

"Your father is correct, Your Grace. A living challenger invites battle and bloodshed." Grand Maester Orwyle mutters.

"It is unsavory, yes. But a sacrifice we must make to secure Aegon's succession. And then there is Daemon to consider. The King wouldn't wish for any unsavory-"

"But the King did not wish for the murder of his daughter!" Alicent snaps at her father. "He loved her. I will not have you deny this."

"And yet-"

Alicent stands quickly, turning to Lord Jasper. "One more word, and I will have you removed from this chamber and sent to the wall!"

"What do you suggest, Your Grace?" Lord Tyland says, breaking the silence that followed the Queen's outburst.

Alicent sighs, glancing at Viserra and Vaegon.

"Time is of the essence." Otto mutters as Alicent continues to look at the Strong twins. "Lord Commander Westerling... take your knights to Dragonstone... Lord Strong and Lady Stark, you will accompany him. Be quick and be clean." Otto orders, still looking at Alicent.

Everyone turns to look as Ser Harrold removes his white cloak and places it on the table.

"I am Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. I recognize no authority but the King's. And until there is one... I have no place here." He announces, smiling slightly at Viserra and Vaegon before leaving the room.

They all watch him leave until Viserra steps forward, Vaegon closely behind her.

"Our loyalty is with House Valar, with our mother. And until she is made aware of King Viserys death, we will take no part in your plotting." She announces coldly to the members of the small council before leaving with Vaegon.

"Are we certain they will not go to Rhaenyra?" Lord Tyland asks as the chamber door closes behind the Strong twins. "If we go to war and they side with Rhaenyra-"

Otto scoffed, "There are none so loyal as House Valar... Valaena will be loyal to us."

"Father, you forget that every Valar that has ever lived, regardless of gender, has been raised to kill. If we go to war and they join Rhaenyra there will be no stopping them."

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